This week my boyfriend and I are off enjoying a kayaking and camping trip first in Algonquin Parc, Ontario, and then heading to Tremblant Parc, North of Montreal.
While we are no spring chickens, we'll be loading our kayaks onto the car, paddling into the wilderness, sleeping under the stars, enjoying the calls of the loons and swimming in the lake.
When I've given talks to people in the past, I always mention at the end, "I don't know about you, but I intend to be riding my bike and hiking well into my 80s or 90s."
Why not?
When you use food to nourish your body, and you enjoy regular exercise, you're giving yourself the fuel it requires for a long healthy life. There is no need to give in to the thought that is normal to suffer with aches, pains, problems and medication as we get older.
So think of how you can use choose food to nourish your body...
so that you can enjoy life to the max, with tons of energy to do all the things that you love to do now and at any age!
If you have some of the Candida symptoms above or you're struggling with using food for comfort rather than nourishment, I'd love to help you,