Too often we focus on how fast we can reach a desired goal rather than accepting (and celebrating!) our slow but steady forward movement and all our small wins along the way.
We're always so quick to judge ourselves, to focus on what we'r not doing, to lament that it's taking us too long to reach our goals. Sound familiar?
Let go of that. As long as you are moving forward, that's amazing! The more you focus on what's working and take your focus off of what's not working, the more success you will have!
I love watercolour painting. I took classes for 10 years and I think I was talented. In 2006 when I started training as a naturopath, I decided I was too busy to paint and I stopped painting.
In a past newsletter I told you about taking a class called Powered By Play, to help me add more fun and play into my life. It worked! I am creating way more time for fun, relaxation, walks in nature, and I started watercolour painting again! Yay!
However, I feel like I have taken 10 steps back. I am rusty and I find my paintings are not very beautiful. However, I know that I will improve again in time.
Do you sometimes feel the same way? One step forward, three steps back?
It's OK, focus on the one step forward, be your own inner cheerleader and know that you can and will get there!