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What's stopping you from all you need to do to create an adventurous, romantic, meaningful and crazy-fun life?
A few weeks ago, I shared that I had signed up for a course called, Powered by Play, because I tend to work too hard and don't take enough time for fun and play.
2 weeks in and I am loving it and seeing the results. I take time for fun and play almost every day and I'm enjoying getting back into the state of delight I had as a child.
In our handout, this quote by Martha Beck, PhD, author and coach, jumped out at me,
"I am often surprised by how vehemently some of my clients reject the idea of having as much fun as they can. Maybe they'll have fun someday, they tell me, but not until they have made a huge fortune…"
I circled it and put two stars beside it. "That's me," I exclaimed!
For years I've been telling myself that I have to work very hard until I have amassed my fortune.
* But what if we could attain our goals while having fun? And this goes for everything!
What's stopping you? What's holding you back?
Have you been telling yourself that you can't do________________ fill in the blank
- ride a bicycle
- go hiking
- go to the beach or
- the pool
- have more fun
- Get together's with friends
- exercise
... because you have to wait until you've dropped the pounds you want to, feel better about yourself, or whatever it is that stopping you?
Yesterday I went on another hike, and in one group that went by, there were two men with infants in carriers on their backs one of the women was pregnant, and this was a strenuous hike up a mountain! How inspiring.
Here's the thing, when you allow yourself to have more fun, yes, ride the bicycle, get out and move your body in nature, enjoy this beautiful summer weather, no holds barred, no more excuses, you will in turn, drop the pounds that you want to much faster while enjoying life.
As I have more fun, I'm pretty sure it will be way easier for me to attain my financial goals faster because I'll be so much happier, my energy will continue to be lighter, better and I'll continue to naturally draw to me all that I desire.
If you'd like an easier way to attain your health and weight loss goals f by learning to eat right for your body type, learn more about working with me here.