Imagine how much easier it would be to stay on track with healthy eating if you didn't have any cravings!
Of course we all crave foods due to emotional reasons:
Feeling sad can cause you to crave sweets.
Feeling stressed can cause you to crave salt.
Feeling hurt or loss can cause you to crave fat
Feeling angry or frustrated can cause you to crave something crunchy.
Awareness is the first step in realizing what feelings are there when cravings come up. Then finding better coping mechanisms to deal with the feelings and also healing the pain.
Most people don't realize that eating right for your body type can eliminate physical cravings!
It's thrilling when my clients tell me that their cravings are all but gone after only a week or two.
Watch this quick video below to learn more about how to overcome cravings.
If you want to learn more about how eating right for your body type will help you overcome your cravings and drop the pounds you want to, schedule a free discovery call today.