In her book, Disrupt-Her, Miki talks about how she worked with a coach to help her through the times of being bombarded with "inflamed exaggerated headlines."
Her coach turned it into a game to make it easier. I Love this!
"You're the Warrier Gatekeeper of your mind. Every thought that enters your brain has to get past your warrier gatekeeper."
"Your game is to CATCH what comes to the gate and give it a name.
"Like this, Oh, there's Eeyore coming to the gate to mope and wallow about something like losing his tail, wah, wah. Or there's Johnny Drama coming to the gate trying to bring Drama into my thoughts."
I've been playing the game and noticing some of my own.
Wilma the worrier, often is very sneaky at trying to slip past my warrier gatekeeper, And Patty the planner seems to be determined to constantly stay front and center, especially in the middle of the night... organizing, over-analyzing and figuring out everything, she drains my energy if I let her.... no more!
" Give each thought a name and tag them. Because every time you let any of those things in, they take over your body, and you can't think straight anymore because you've gone into a negative thought spiral."
"It's not about noticing like meditation, noticing is passive. Catching is far more proactive. When you catch it, have fun with it, like, "Ha, gotcha." And you can organize it, like, that's a conversation I need to have only on Tuesdays at 11 AM.
Catch these thoughts with love and humor, not in a way that tries to make you feel badly."
I'm really excited to play this new game and develop my warrier gatekeeper muscle.
Miki says, "I was excited to practice Catching each thought before they entered the gate of my mid, which gave me full control over my emotional state, WOW. (...) These negative thoughts become a training ground for positive self-improvement, which can then become an overall positive experience. We can always change our perspective and turn challenging experiences into positive ones."
So excited to practice this, how about you? Let me know how it works!