1. Change, I got to... to, I get to
Take out the letter "O" and replace it with an "E"
Do you ever stop to even imagine how fortunate you are to eat healthy food every day? And how blessed you are with a strong physical body, to be able to walk run, bike,
You get to do these things, what an incredible gift and opportunity!
2. You can control your thoughts and emotions or they can control you. The choice is yours.
You can control your:
Body language
What you focus on expands.
3. Use visualization: Not just seeing yourself, but more importantly feeling yourself achieving your goals. This is the missing key to the law of attraction.
4. Enjoy the process:
You don't make sacrifices
You don't pay a price....
You make a decision
Use courage, focus, will and determination
While you're at it, Be in the moment, savor it, enjoy it!
"If it is to be, it is up to me!"
Implement these new thoughts into your mindset and let me
know how it goes!