It's summer, Yay!! Take advantage of all the super fresh, inexpensive fruits and veggies now! Strawberries need to be husked and chopped, which does take some time when you have a whole lot! But of course, wild blueberries (which are naturally pesticide free) require no prep and are much easier to make jam with.
corn on the cob can be easily cut off the cob and frozen.
Organic apples can be cheaper than regular apples in the fall, I eat a ton in season and I make sugar free apple sauce and apple crisp.
Basil can be made into pesto and frozen in ice cube trays for super fast pasta meals.
become home made ketchup or tomatoe sauce
The possibilities are endless!
Our bodies naturally gravitate towards lighter, fresher, raw foods in the summer and heavier, cooked foods in the winter, follow your body's natural rhythm.
Head to your market, support your
local farmers and keep all the money you saved for a fabulous vacation for you and your family!
Find 10 tips to healthy eating on a budget here