Did you know that the Keto diet was originally used to treat epilepsy in children? This high fat, low carb diet can be helpful for that.
But it is simply another fast weight loss craze that is so wrong!
One size fits all never works.
I've had many Gonad or Pear shaped body types come in to see me and they've gained weight with Keto or Paleo. Yes, high fat will make them gain.
Most people end up extremely constipated with so much animal protein and not enough fiber. Not only is this very uncomfortable, not eliminating toxins is very detrimental to your health.
The Adrenal type will often lose weight with keto or paleo, and sometimes quickly, but for how long? What happens when you start to add in carbs again? The weight comes right back on! And then some.
These diets are not sustainable!
But it's worse than that..... read on....