Help for Seasonal Affective Disorder & Jan. Weight Loss Group

Published: Sun, 11/26/17

    Ezine 124                                         Sue-Anne Hickey                
In This Edition:
Help for Seasonal Affective Disorder S.A.D. 
January Weight Loss Group

Help for Seasonal Affective Disorder 
For many people, that feeling of dread sets in with the cold and darkness. Life doesn’t have to be that way!

Here are 7 tips to help you put more joy (and health) into your winter!

1. Help your liver to alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder completely!

For 5000 years Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM has been healing people with natural herbs and remedies.

 An important concept in TCM, chi (also known as qi) is the vital life energy of the body and is considered essential for all life. The goal in TCM, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, is to keep the chi flowing unobstructed in order to maintain optimum health. Balanced chi, also encourages an overall sense of well-being. 

Because the liver helps provide filtered blood to all cells of the body, liver health and function can greatly influence mood. Undesirable blood compounds must be properly neutralized by the liver.

A great product made by Nature's Sunshine, called AD-C in Canada, Chinese Mood Elevator in the U.S., contains Chinese herbs that help cleanse and support the liver. Traditional Chinese Medicine would consider this a “fire enhancing” combination to regulate and untrap the chi (vitality). Its Chinese name, jie yu can be translated to mean “relieve anxiety and tension.” According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, when the liver is functioning at its peak, positive mood may be maintained. Read more here 
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Another of the pics from my photo shoot a couple of weeks ago with Wanda Malfara
January Weight Loss Group!

Are you using food for stress management and celebration, instead of nourishment?  

Do you struggle with cravings and a tendency to overeat during PMS or late night snacking?

Are you feeling discouraged and longing to fit back into your clothes?
Do you struggle with portion control?

Have you tried every diet and nothing works?  

I get it...I understand
My clients were in the exact same place before coming to see me. 

And I'd Love to help you... 

One size does not fit all and it never works!

Start with a one on one consultation to determine your body type and get your own personlized plan...

and then...

Join a  group of motivated women to get the support and encouragement you'll need to lose those unwanted pounds and keep them off! 

This is the last time I will be offering this group at the low price of only $350 which includes a one hour consultation and 12 weekly meetings!

Wednesday January 17th from 7 PM to 8:15 PM
At The Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center 
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3

Space is limited to 12 people, Contact me to reserve your spot now 

Start the New Year off by easily dropping 12 to 15 pounds. See a few of the Success Stories and info about the group here.

To your natural health!


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