A Talk about Menopause - And No is a complete sentence

Published: Sun, 02/04/18

    Ezine 128                                www.bodytypology.com                   Sue-Anne Hickey                
                                                                     info@bodytypology.com                        514-577-1963                                  
In This Edition:
I'm giving a talk tomorrow - Overcoming Menopause Symptoms Naturally
No is a complete sentence
Overcoming Menopause Symptoms Naturally - Tomorrow! 
Join me and Psychologist Patricia Levell 
  • Confused by changes to your body?
  • Tired of nightsweats and interrupted sleep?
  • Concerned about changes to your mood?
Patricia and I discuss how to overcome the physical and emotional challenges of menopause. 

Join us to learn beneficial tools and strategies to help you in this time of transformation! 
Mon, February 5, 
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 
The Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center
489 Beaconsfield Blvd.
Beaconsfield, Quebcec H9W 4C3
Tickets in advance only at eventbrite $20

Sorry for the last minute notice, I hope you can make it!
No is a complete sentence

Can you say no?

Is it easy or hard for you to say no? 

At the end of last year I was telling you about how I said "Yes!" to everything! Yes, to all the networking events, Yes, to all the workshops I wanted to take, And there were a ton of them! Yes, to going to the gym and/or hot yoga even if I was exhausted... exercise increases energy right?! :) 

And then, after a few months of going non-stop I found myself almost in burnout, and getting sick....twice! 

Now I am finding the balance and learning to say, No! 

No, even though that speaking gig might be ok, it's not where I want to put my energy right now. 

No, I can not take on anything extra right now.

No, I am not going to the gym because I feel tired and I am going to listen to my body. 

Are you a pear shaped or Gonad body type? 

Because I have seen how the gonad body type loves to give. They are wired that way, and that's fine, we can't expect and don't want them to change. But it can be a challenge for them and therefore very empowering for them to say, No, more often, and take care of themselves as well as others. 

Are you stuck in people pleasing mode and is it time to be a little more selfish?

Say no this week a few times and say yes to self care and see how liberating and wonderful it can feel!
I started seeing Sue-Anne before Christmas and have already lost 11 lbs! Nothing has ever worked so well and has kept me satisfied before or has felt so natural. Sue-Anne is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

The best part of my experience so far is that she helped me discover the root of my 10 year chronic cough (something that every type of doctor under the sun wasn't able to solve for me). Who would have thought a cough could be caused by wheat?!!

If you are looking to improve your lifestyle, learn how to eat right for your body type and learn so many new things that you have not heard before, call Sue-Anne!

Lisa M.

To your natural health!


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