Easily Drop 12 - 15 Pounds! & A Huge Wake up Call

Published: Mon, 01/15/18

    Ezine 126                                www.bodytypology.com                   Sue-Anne Hickey                
                                                                     info@bodytypology.com                        514-577-1963                                  
In This Edition:
January Weight Loss Group - drop 12 - 15 pounds
Getting Hit Over The Head By The Universe
Last Chance to easily drop 12 to 15 pounds!
"I never thought it was possible!  I lost 15 and a half pounds. My husband said to me the other day “Who are you and what have you done with my wife”!! I feel like a whole new person – Thanks!!"
Last Chance to easily drop 12 to 15 pounds.
January Weight Loss Group Starts This Week!

Are you using food for stress management and celebration, instead of nourishment?  

Do you struggle with cravings and a tendency to overeat during PMS or late night snacking?

Are you feeling discouraged and longing to fit back into your clothes?
Do you struggle with portion control?

Have you tried every diet and nothing works?  

I get it...I understand
My clients were in the exact same place before coming to see me. 

And I'd Love to help you... 

One size does not fit all and it never works!

Start with a one on one consultation to determine your body type and get your own personlized plan...

and then...

Join a  group of motivated women to get the support and encouragement you'll need to lose those unwanted pounds and keep them off! 

This is the last time I will be offering this group at the low price of only $350 which includes a one hour consultation and 12 weekly meetings!

Wednesday January 17th from 7 PM to 8:15 PM
At The Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center 
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3

Space is limited to 12 people, Contact me to reserve your spot now  or call me at 514-577-1963.

 See a few of the Success Stories and info about the group here.
Marie-France lost 15 pounds!
 ''I just wanted to share with you my morning weight! When I started your group it was 160.5 and now ten weeks later, Fifteen pounds have melted away with what feels like no effort.

I am so happy to have been a part if your group. You have taught me a lot about my health and eating nutritious foods that are right for my body type. You have also taught me so much about myself.

Prior to meeting you I had tried losing weight with various methods- all were a lot of work and none had the results I experienced with you.

By making the small subtle changes you suggested, the weight has come off effortlessly, I no longer have food cravings, I love eating well and feel absolutely amazing.

Thanks for helping me change my life Sue Anne!''
Joleen Dignard
Getting Hit Over The Head By The Universe
In my last newsletter I wrote about how tired I was.

Thank-You Universe!!! Lesson learned, I swear it’s true, Your message has been Very Loud and Clear. I surrender, You Win! I work(ed) way too hard and I need Way more downtime and rest time. In order to ensure I rested over the holidays, Universe had me:

  • Get a cold = my birthday celebrations were postponed :(
  • Modem died 
  • Car battery died 
  • Keyboard died
  • Brutally cold = no x-c skiing
  • 2 power failures = had to stay in bed to stay warm
  • Cold #2 a real man cold, more time in bed and more rest!
What, you mean cycle touring 700kms+ and climbing over mountains is not a restful vacation? (what I did in July) And last year over the entire Xmas holiday, I built a huge 30 day weight loss challenge program.... 

Ok 2018 is looking very different for me! 

Self care time will be non-negotiable! (and be apart from exercise time) Fun time and rest time will be scheduled in, in advance. Days off and time off will happen Way more often. I will be working smarter, not harder. 

What about you? What changes are you making this year?

Wishing you a fabulous  New Year of transformation, bringing you all you desire!

To your natural health!


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