Thank-You Universe!!! Lesson learned, I swear it’s true, Your message has been Very Loud and Clear. I surrender, You Win! I
work(ed) way too hard and I need Way more downtime and rest time. In order to ensure I rested over the holidays, Universe had me:
- Get a cold = my birthday celebrations were postponed :(
- Modem died
- Car battery died
- Keyboard died
- Brutally cold = no x-c skiing
- 2 power failures = had to stay in bed to stay warm
- Cold #2 a real man cold, more time in bed and more rest!
What, you mean cycle touring 700kms+ and climbing over mountains is not a restful vacation? (what I did in July) And last year over the entire Xmas holiday, I built a huge 30 day weight loss challenge
Ok 2018 is looking very different for me!
Self care time will be non-negotiable! (and be apart from exercise time) Fun time and rest time will be scheduled in, in advance. Days off and time off will happen Way more often. I will be working smarter, not harder.
What about you? What
changes are you making this year?
Wishing you a fabulous New Year of transformation, bringing you all you desire!