Do you have a clear vision of your goals?

Published: Sat, 09/30/17

    Ezine 119                                         Sue-Anne Hickey                
In This Edition:
Do you have a clear vision of your goals?
How To Increase Energy - My talk on Mon. Oct. 2nd

When I start working with my clients, one of the first exercises I have them do is to write down three detailed visions of what they want to create out of working with me. How they visualize their life and their health, 12 weeks, 6 months and 1 year later.

Visualization and goal setting is of course a very powerful exercise in helping us attain our goals. 

I love making vision boards with my goals, and this morning I attended a great workshop with Arantza Izurrategui of ChangeByArt.  We created vision boards and did some mind mapping, which was so much fun! 
 You can't see all the details below or the 3D of a lot of the fun shapes and letters, but I included some things I always had in my childhood paintings a large sun and flowers growing. The bottom tape says Everyday Everyday... and there is a Buddha in the right hand corner. Spirit, and spirituality is a huge part of my every day life. Serving my clients and helping as many people as I can, is most important to me. 

One of my goals is to expand my ebook, Natural Ways to Lose Weight, especially the emotional eating section, write more about my story, etc, and then publish it as The Bodytypology actual soft cover book! The dome pic at the bottom is a book with butterflies and rays of light shining out of it. 

The pic at the top is a woman kicking a leg up high, head back, for freedom, reckless fun and yoga... I recently started an almost daily yoga practice at Moksha yoga, which is yoga in a heated room. 

In the middle is a polaroid shot each workshop participant received, with 2 chosen words, mine were Serve and Love, of course, lots of hearts and love and gold and silver stars in my universe! 

 What would be on your vision board? 

Are you working towards your health vision and attaining it?

I can help! Contact me to learn more. 
Hidden Causes of Fatigue and How to Increase Energy
There may be hidden causes to your low energy...
  • a congested liver​​​​​​​
  • hypoglycemia 
  • adrenal fatigue....and more 

Join me this Monday night, Oct. 2nd at 7 PM,
I am giving a talk so you can learn how to have non-stop energy all day, every day!

At the Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center 
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3 

Tickets available in advance only  - $20
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To your natural health!


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