What is Your Body Type?

Published: Mon, 09/25/17

    Ezine 118                                www.bodytypology.com                   Sue-Anne Hickey                
                                                                     info@bodytypology.com                        514-577-1963                                  
In This Edition:
What is your body type?
How To Increase Energy - My talk on Oct. 2nd

Happy fall Equinox! In Montreal we've been having a heat wave and on Saturday I was up, an hour north of Montreal, swimming in a lake and doing yoga outside at the Sivananda Yoga camp in Val Morin.  
Are you ready to find out which gland is running your weight gain? Or your constant low energy? 
Is it possible that the way your eating and the diets you’ve been trying aren’t designed for your specific body type?

Chances are, this is the case, if you've tried countless diets before and they've never worked. 


One diet does not fit all!

Everyone has a different metabolism
  • different cravings
  • different energy levels
  • gains weight in different places
        And everyone needs....
                     their own plan according to their body type!

I'm excited to share the drawing I finally got done of the 4 male bodytypes!

Do you recognize your bodytype in one of the two pics below?

​​​​​​​But wait... there's much more to determining your type than simply the shape. Read more here
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Hidden Causes of Fatigue and How to Increase Energy
There may be hidden causes to your low energy...
  • a congested liver
  • hypoglycemia 
  • adrenal fatigue....and more 

Join me next Monday night, Oct. 2nd at 7 PM,
I am giving a talk so you can learn how to have non-stop energy all day, every day!

At the Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center 
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3 

Tickets available in advance only  - $20
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To your natural health!


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