Best Exercises for Your Body Type

Published: Mon, 10/30/17

    Ezine 122                                         Sue-Anne Hickey                
In This Edition:
Best Weight Loss Exercises
Best Exercises for Your Body Type 

 Wow, what a whirlwind of transformation I have been going through! A few months ago I decided to "Just say Yes!' to everything that came my way and to focus on how I can serve and give more. I've been supporting friends and colleagues, attending their workshops, learning lots and having fun! 

And in giving we receive right?! I won or was gifted 5 prizes in 4 days! One of the prizes was a photo shoot with Wanda Malfara Who happens to be a friend and by far the best portrait photographer in the world! 

The day before the photo shoot I went shopping with Style Sandra, also a friend and extremely talented stylist. I learned exactly what colors suit me, how to wear clothes to flatter my body type, the best types of accessories, etc. In less than 90 minutes we had 3 skirts, 2 pairs of pants, 8 tops, a jacket and accessories!  Transformational! I feel confident and professional wearing my new clothes! Here's a sneak peak of one of the pics.
Best Weight Loss Exercises For Your Body Type 
The best weight loss exercises are exercises that you enjoy! 

As it gets colder how can you make sure that you keep moving? How many people sign up for a gym membership, even though they hate the gym? How many buy a treadmill even if the thought of getting on it makes them cringe?

If you would like to lose weight through exercise you must find something that you are motivated to do, that you find fun, preferably outside in the fresh air. Some may start with walking, or riding a bike, jogging, swimming or walking while playing golf.

Richard Béliveau, author of Cooking with Foods that Fight Cancer, says. “Nothing will change if it doesn't give you pleasure.” Exactly, so can you find a type of exercise that will give you pleasure?

Instead of thinking of the exercise and weight loss as a negative proposition, turn it around into a positive change....Read more here
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To your natural health!


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