Amazing Case Study

Published: Sun, 04/02/17

    Ezine 104                                                   Sue-Anne Hickey                
In This Edition:
Amazing Case Study 

Andrea grew up with her mother and due to her mom's extreme emotional instability, when she was 19, she finally fled from her home without any of her belongings.

She moved to Montreal and got married. She was 25 when she  came to see me for weight loss, as she said she felt she was starting to resemble her mom, which she didn't want to. There had been no contact with her mother for 5 years.

Those of you who have worked with me, know that I do a lot more than helping people eat right for their body type, we dig deep, which Andrea began doing. 

Each week she chose her "Core Feelings" (how she wanted to feel that week, while working towards her goals.) At the beginning, she chose words like Light, Centered, Grounded, At ease. She was also reading Tony Robbins, Unleash the Power Within. When I remarked that when I complimented she tended to hide her face in her hands, and suggested she could let go of that, she did.  

Andrea was eating right for her body type and exercising, the weight was coming off, and a lot of her small ailments were disappearing.

On our 5th consult she chose the core feelings, Sexy and confident. And she began to completely embody those feelings, keeping the same ones for 3 weeks. She came in wearing new clothes, looking sexy and just rocking with confidence. She said that others were noticing and commenting on it.
In spite of working full time and going back to school to work in the travel industry Andrea kept up with eating healthy and losing weight. 

She got a tattoo and then a second, she took a course in burlesque, something she had been interested in for a long time. And when there was a dance contest in a bar, she got up on stage and she won hands down. 

After 12 sessions she had lost 15 pounds, and she wrote some of these things, answering my questions in the manual I provide, about what had changed.

"I know myself more
I am slowly being myself more 
I am being more direct and honest and me
 I am focusing on myself and my life, instead of trying to get approval from everyone else
I am eating much less
I realized that a lot of the weight was depression and feelings of self sabotage, thinking I am not good enough when I really am.
I have lots more energy and I have learned to handle stress in other ways.
I'm having Ah Ha moments every day." 

Andrea and I worked together for another 12 sessions, getting to a weight she felt was right for herself. Through that time she continued to develop more self confidence and self assurance. Things that would've bothered her in the past were now easily handled, she had gained so much strength and self confidence and had changed in so may ways! 

She talked to her mother over Christmas and her mother recently sent her a box with some of her belongings she asked for, as well as some unexpected gifts. 

I told her that I definitely wanted to stay in touch as I really couldn't think of not being a part of her life, so we skype and call and last week we got together for a cup of tea.

I feel so blessed to have a job in which some clients become long term close friends! Her testimonial is below. 
"Sue-Anne has been such a blessing in my life. I went into this trying to lose weight (and lose 20 pounds I did), but I came out being a stronger, more confident honest and self-respecting person, things I never thought would happen.

She truly uses a holistic approach, combining eating changes, exercise, emotional and spiritual healing guidance. Don't be afraid to talk about the emotional things that may have lead up to your weight gain...turns out it was causing about 80% of my weight gain.

Sue-Anne is a very caring person and very easy to talk to. She made me see that I don't have to delay doing things I want just because of my weight; if I start doing things I want to and focus on confidence and my passions and letting go of the past, lots of the weight will just melt off ( for me at least).

I would highly, highly, highly, recommend her for anyone that not only wants to lose weight but change their perspective and their life."
To your natural health!

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