Andrea grew up with her mother and due to her mom's extreme emotional instability, when she was 19, she finally fled from her home without any of her belongings.
She moved to Montreal and got married. She was 25 when she came to see
me for weight loss, as she said she felt she was starting to resemble her mom, which she didn't want to. There had been no contact with her mother for 5 years.
Those of you who have worked with me, know that I do a lot more than helping people eat right for their body type, we dig deep, which Andrea began doing.
Each week she chose her "Core Feelings" (how she wanted to feel that week, while working towards her goals.) At the
beginning, she chose words like Light, Centered, Grounded, At ease. She was also reading Tony Robbins, Unleash the Power Within. When I remarked that when I complimented she tended to hide her face in her hands, and suggested she could let go of that, she did.
Andrea was eating right for her body type and exercising, the weight was coming off, and a lot of her small ailments were disappearing.
On our 5th consult she chose the
core feelings, Sexy and confident. And she began to completely embody those feelings, keeping the same ones for 3 weeks. She came in wearing new clothes, looking sexy and just rocking with confidence. She said that others were noticing and commenting on it.