When we’re constantly under stress, as many of us are these days, the adrenals are constantly putting out cortisol and hormones non stop and eventually they get weak causing fatigue. If this continues over time we have what is known as burn out, when a person reaches that point they usually have to take time off work and get plenty of rest. Some people are not even able to get out
of bed.
When compounded with poor nutrition, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, stimulants and other allergy medications, the adrenals can easily become severely depleted or exhausted. The adrenals perceive low blood sugar as a major stress.
It is essential to eat a balanced diet, reduce or eliminate sweets and processed foods, white bread, etc.
By eating a variety of whole healthy foods
and by eating a balance of protein, good quality carbohydrates and fats in each meal, we strengthen the adrenals and they provide us with steady energy.
how to better manage stress! It’s not the stress
that’s the problem it’s the way you handle it. Deep abdominal breathing, yoga, meditation, exercise, using mindfulness to be able to respond to the stress rather than react.
Supplements and vitamins:
Adrenal Support by Nature's Sunshine is excellent, I've helped clients quickly bounce back from complete burnout with this
B-Complex Vitamins and Vitamin C are an essential boost to the adrenals. I take both every day.
Zinc and magnesium are also helpful
Licorice root is an anti-stress herb known to increase energy and stabilize blood sugars
The next time you have an afternoon slump or you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning you now have a
few clues as to what could be possibly causing your fatigue! I hope you`ll take the tips I shared in the past 3 newsletters to boost your energy!
Stay tuned net week as I share an amazing case study and transformation of one of my clients!