The liver is the largest organ. It performs over 400 tasks! It works by eliminating toxins from the body. It is also producing hormones, cholesterol and bile to break down and digest fat. It’s easy to see that the liver is often overworked and many people have a liver that is congested. Even myself!
When I went to the osteo she was moving me around and I felt something and I asked
her what it was and she told me I have a sluggish liver. What?
Even if I eat really healthy most of the time? Yes. How could that be?
We are exposed to hundreds of chemicals every day. In the air pollution we breathe in. In the pesticides and herbicides on our fruits and vegetables. Some people still use cleaning products or skin care products with chemicals. In medication, even Tylenol or Advil. In packaged foods, in flame
retardants on materials, the list goes on and on.
It is the liver’s job to process all of these chemicals and eliminate them from the body. Just like you, when the liver has been overworked for such a long period of time it will have a hard time keeping up, it will get tired and not function up to par, leaving you tired.
Try having a cup of warm water with the juice of ½ a lemon after a meal, if
you feel better your liver could be toiling.