Are You Bloated?

Published: Sat, 02/25/17

    Ezine 101                                                   Sue-Anne Hickey                
In This Edition:
Why are you so bloated?
Spring Weight Loss Support Group is Filling Up!

Are you embarrassed by how bloated you can get?

Almost every one of us experiences occasional bloating.

The causes are numerous:
  • Lack of digestive enzymes
  • A slow intestinal transit time
  • Not enough bile salts produced to emulsify fat
  • A congested liver
  • and more
One of the most overlooked causes is Candida, an overabundance of yeast in the intestinal track.

So many women, children and some men have this very common health challenge.
Last weekend, perhaps one of the last days of cross country skiing this winter, at Oka park near Montreal.
Candida Causes
Candida is a yeast present in all mucous membranes of the body. In harmony, until the immune system or the intestinal flora is weakened or compromised. This creates an imbalance and the yeast takes over too much space and makes us sick.

There are may causes and candida can even be transmitted at birth during delivery.

If you had thrush as a baby you could have had candida since birth

Repeated use of antibiotics is one of the main causes of candida. This is the reason why there is such an epidemic of candida now. Antibiotics wipe out the bad bacteria and the good, leaving space for candida to flourish. If you've taken antibiotics more than a couple of times, or have had a high dose of antibiotics, chances are you have candida.​​​​​​​
Candida Symptoms
  • Bloating especially after eating wheat, sugar or anything containing yeast
  • Intesintal gas
  • Sugar and sweet cravings
  • Bread and carb cravings
  • Low energy, tired, depressed
  • Foggy brain, mental confusion, or poor memory
  • Not feeling good after eating wheat, bread or sweets
  • Some people have toe nail fungus or women may have had yeast infections (getting yeast infections repeatedly is a sure sign candida is present.)
  • Food sensitivities or allergies
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Itchy ears or fluid in ears
  • Symptoms can be aggravated on damp days or in damp or moldy areas
  • Some people have recurrent sore throats or a cough
  • Some have a white tongue
Candida - what to do 
If you experience many of these symptoms, you are not alone! 

And yes, you can get rid of it and feel 100% better. I've helped so many clients get rid of candida, completely and forever and I got rid of it myself when I was in my 30s and it never returned!

There are so many variations of the diet if you look online. But it doesn't have to be so drastic. Basically, you do need to reduce or eliminate the foods that cause the candida to grow for a few months and take some key supplements to kill off the candida at the same time. 

Contact me for more information and I'll be happy to help you overcome this health challenge and have your life back again. It really is  transformational.

Read the testimonial below! 
No More Yo-Yo Dieting 12 week 
Weight Loss Support Group! 
It's getting warmer!

Are you ready to rock your bathing suit? 

We have an amazing group of women signed up for the group, and there are still a few places left.

Start with...a one on one consultation
providing you with your own personalized plan for your body type

Then... Join a group of motivated women for fun, laughter, support and accountability to help instill and maintain your new healthy eating plan and lifestyle.

This 12 week weight loss support group includes all the key information you need to obtain optimal health and energy

  • Help with emotional eating
  • Be accountable with continuous check-ins
  • Stay on track with easy healthy recipes       
  • Complete manual with goal setting and tons of health tips to help you stay on track
  • Weekly weigh-ins with a bio-tracker scale  
  • Simple detox how to's
  • Motivational emails
  • And So Much More!!              
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:15  March 15th
The Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3

$450 -   Or bring a friend and you each get $75 off!

Space is limited. Reserve your place now by replying to this email or call 514-577-1963

"I have had candida probably for decades. It presented as flu symptoms mostly around the sinuses. My energy was low and I was lethargic and depressed. I always felt like I had to preserve my energy and needed a lot of rest, I thought of myself as "sickly”. Also, following menopause I developed a middle aged gut which I could've get rid of no matter how I tried.

I  recently completed the 3 month Candida cure and feel better than I have EVER felt in my whole life. I have energy , sleep deeply, lost that bothersome extra 10 lbs and have my flat stomach back. My sweet cravings are non-existent and eating according to my body type has changed my life.

I highly recommend doing this cure. It is somewhat daunting but with helpful hints and support from Sue-Anne you will be successful as well. I only wish I had been offered this cure almost 30 years ago when I started this journey. Thank you Sue Anne.”
 Linda B

To your natural health!

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