Do you need supplements and vitamins?

Published: Mon, 12/12/16

Natural Health Ezine 95                          Sue-Anne Hickey                                   514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Do you need supplements and vitamins?
What company is good?
January Weight Loss Group!
Do you need supplements and vitamins?
The answer is No... Not if...

  • The soil where your food is grown is rich in organic nutrients
  • You don’t eat any food that is grown with pesticides and chemical fertilizers
  • You eat only fresh, organic vegetables, rarely cooked
  • You are not exposed to any air pollution or chemicals
  • You drink plenty of pure water
  • You have never had antibiotics
  • You always get enough sleep and never burn the candle at both ends
  • You do not have any stress
  • You get plenty of sunshine every day
  • You are eating 7 to 10 fruits and vegetables per day
  • You are under the age of 30
The fact is:
  • Our soils are depleted due to mass agriculture.
  • Many of our foods contain pesticides and herbicides which actually block the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Being exposed to environmental toxins ie air pollution etc, increases our need
  • Some diseases increase our need.
  • As we age we don't absorb vitamins and minerals as well so we have a  higher need.
  • Most people are not getting enough nutrient dense foods.
  • Most people are lacking organic foods without pesticides, chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, exposed to high heat processing, etc

Our standard health guidelines, first developed during World War II, give us a Recommended Daily Amount or RDA of each of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function properly.

RDA should actually stand for Ridiculously Dumb Amounts because the guidelines are set way too low for optimal health.
Which company is good?
Please do Not buy inexpensive vitamins at Costco or in the pharmacy. Here's why...

I spent years researching companies until I finally found a company that has 100% integrity, is very reasonably priced and the quality is unsurpassed. The company I chose for myself and my clients is Nature's Sunshine. With their products I have guaranteed results in healing all kinds of ailments and helping people be strong, healthy, get off of anti-depressants, etc. 

Last week I had a new client who told me that she was taking Jamieson Multi Gummies for Women.

I did a quick comparison of Nature's Sunshine Super mutli-vitamins and Jamiesons.

I made this chart below to compare the 2 vitamins and what they contain.
Dare to compare
The Nature's Sunshine vitamin contains 25 essential vitamins and minerals formulated in a base of herbs, vegetables and phytonutrients. As you can see, Jamieson gummies have a fraction of the ingredients in much smaller amounts, formulated in Glucose syrup, sucrose and palm tree wax etc.

As we know, sugar depresses the immune system. So you might as well buy some gummy bear candies, rather than take these!

If you would like some help in choosing what vitamins you need or to order any vitamins from Nature's Sunshine and get 20 to 40% off of the retail price, please contact me or reply to this email. I would be happy to help you figure it out. They are located in the United States and in Ontario.

Next week I'll jump into how tons of studies are showing how vitamins and supplements are preventing and helping people with:
  • Depression,
  • PTSD,
  • ADHD in adults,
  • Bipolar disorder,
  • Reducing aggression in prisoners
  • Reducing decline in the elderly
  • Treating anxiety and stress
  • Autism
  • and more!
Stay tuned for news on my January Challenge...
details to follow!
January Weight Loss Support Group
I'm super excited to be holding my weight loss support group in my New Office in January -

The group is filling up. Save your spot now!
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:15  January 18th - April 5th
The Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3
$450 - Bring a friend and you each get $75 off!

Space is limited. Reserve your place now by replying to this email or call 514-577-1963
'“Sue-Anne unlocked the transformational potential that already existed in me. Through her coaching and program, I am reaching my weight loss goals, living a healthier life and continually being transformed into the me that always existed. Just take the first step and call Sue-Anne.” Caroline L., Marketing Director
To your natural health!

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