Vitamins for depression and a favor

Published: Sun, 12/18/16

Bodytypology Ezine 96                          Sue-Anne Hickey                                   514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Vitamins for depression and more
A favor
January Weight Loss Group!
Supplements and vitamins for depression and more
Welcome to all the new subscribers!

In my last newsletter I talked about the need for supplements and vitamins, and compared some poor quality Jamieson vitamins with Nature's Sunshine.

What inspired me was  this video. If you don't have 17 minutes to watch it, here are a few of the fascinating details:

Julia Rucklidge has devoted 10 years to the study of using vitamins, minerals and supplements to treat depression, ADHD, PTSD, bipolar disorder and psychosis. And many similar studies are being done around the world.

People are getting well and staying well treating themselves with nutrients, for depression, bi polar disorder, psychosis!

  • Minerals and vitamins helped for the treatment of ADHD in adults.
  • Within 8 weeks twice as many people, in the micro-nutrient group improved, compared to placebo.
  • Twice as many people went into remission in their depression in the micro nutrient group.
  • Hyperactivity and impulsivity was reduced to the normal non clinical range
  • ADHD symptoms were less interfering in work and social relationships
  • those who continued,1 year later maintained their changes or increased their improvement
  • Bi polar was 50% reduced
  • Reduced rates of PTSD from 65% to 18% with 1 month of micro-nutrients, no change with those not taking them.
Those with PTSD also reported Improved sleep, stabilization of mood, reduction of anxiety, reduction of need for cigarettes, pot and alcohol.
1 year later those who had received the supplements were still doing better

They did receive a dose higher than normal
15 pills a day containing 36 nutrients

A well nourished body and brain is better able to withstand on going stress and recover from illness.

60 to 80 % of people respond to micro nutrients!
Drugs are not working long term
Internationally there has been a 3 fold increase in ADHD
A 20 fold increase in bipolar disorder in children
A 4 fold increase of people on disability as a direct consequence of mental illness

How do we handle this? We typically offer psychiatric meds first and psychologic therapies and other forms of support.

Universally across the board these treatments save lives, but if it is effective, shouldn’t the rates be decreasing rather than increasing?

Julia Rucklidge states that in the short term these treatments are effective, but in the long term they are not.

Keep on eating a variability of fresh, whole foods in the most natural state possible and take your vitamins and minerals for optimal mental and physical health!

In the 1600's, limes on ships completely eliminated the 40% death rate from scurvy, but it took 264 years for the British government to mandate that all ships must carry citrus for the sailors.

How long will it take our society to pay attention to the research showing that sub optimal nutrition is contributing to the epidemic of mental illness?

Dare to compare
I need your help!

As I mentioned last week, I'm doing a Free Weight Loss Challenge in January!!

If you can answer the 5 quick questions, that would help me create the perfect challenge for you. Your answers remain completely anonymous!

Click on the link.

Thanks so much!

My birthday celebrations on Friday with some girlfriends!
January Weight Loss Support Group
I'm super excited to be holding my weight loss support group in my New Office in January -

The group is filling up. Save your spot now!
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:15  January 18th - April 5th
The Yellow Umbrella Wellness Center
489 Beaconsfield Blvd., Beaconsfield, QC H9W 4C3
$450 - Bring a friend and you each get $75 off!

Space is limited. Reserve your place now by replying to this email or call 514-577-1963
"Sue-Anne took the time to assess and suggest a new healthy eating plan and some recipes. After a few weeks I ended up losing weight although that was not my goal. My energy level is much higher and more constant throughout the day.Thank you!"
Frank P.
To your natural health!

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