Live More - Weigh Less

Published: Sun, 08/28/16

Natural Health Ezine 86               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Live More Weigh Less
Living More
Behind the Scenes
Yoga in hiking boots :)
Live More - Weigh Less
I enjoy following other health and/or weight loss advocates to see what they are up to. Recently, I came across Sarah Jenks, the creator of, Live More - Weigh Less.

What she's promoting makes sense....

So many women stop themselves from doing what they want to do, telling themselves that they can't do it until they lose the weight they want to. Sarah suggests to do them anyway. When you get out and start doing the things you love, you'll be happier and you will naturally lose weight, as you won't be needing food for happiness.

Sarah Says:

"I do this work because I see so many women waiting on weight, love, money and permission to go out and get what they want, and I’m here to put a stop to it. I hold a vision for the world where women use all of their energy on their passions and relationships, and none on worrying about they look like or waiting around to find their soulmate or make money before they do something amazing, and I have to tell you, we are getting sh*t done!"

I believe that it is important to get out there and Live More! And by doing that you will be happier! However, without your personalized healthy body type eating plan in place, and moving the body more, your weight might not change.

After taking her fun 2 week free challenge I have been Living More!
Living More
I had a whole bunch of really fun dates with someone I met on for about 5 weeks. It turned out we weren't the right match, but it certainly was fun while it lasted!

In my last ezine I told you about my fabulous solo cycle touring trip through Maine and New Hampshire....

Last weekend I went up to the Yoga camp in Val Morin, North of Montreal. (I go up there a couple of times a year) I LOVE doing yoga outside!

And on Friday I joined a MeetUp group and signed up for a hike up in the Adirondacks in New York! I've been longing to go hiking in the Adirondacks for ages! There were 11 of us who hiked up the steep incline to the top of Giant Mountain, (one of the highest peaks in the area) until we were almost touching the clouds! I was on a high All Day!

When we got back down we went for a swim in a lake that had cliffs going straight up on both sides!
What a Fabulous Day!!

** Note to self: Even if you're pretty fit, it would be a better idea to start with smaller, easier hikes when it's been years since your last hike. I can hardly walk today! Lol!

What can You Do to Live More?
Behind the Scenes...
I think I've finally chosen the design for my new BODYtypolgy logo, it's below, what do you think?

My free ebook for newsletter sign ups is done and I am getting the cover designed. It`s called the Five Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes... stay tuned for your free copy!

I am still working on the BODYtyplogy website, it is coming along. As well as the online weight loss course set to start by the end of September....

I`ll also be creating a fun quiz to help determine your bodytype.

And this newsletter will soon have a different name and design as well!
Wow! So impressed with my clients... I went on vacation and they certainly didn't, they stayed on track! M. is down 6 lbs in 7 weeks, her sister C. is down 6 lbs, A. is down 6 lbs in 5 weeks, C is down 8 lbs in 6 weeks, L. is down 10 lbs 10 weeks, and the list goes on...
To your natural health!

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