Months ago I was telling a friend of my plans to travel through the U.S. for my summer vacation. She said something along the line that I couldn't do it as the Canadian dollar was so weak compared to the American dollar, that it would be too expensive.
Are you the same way? If someone tells you you can't do something, do you believe them?
Or do you set out to prove them wrong? Someone might tell you, you can't lose the weight you want to, you've always been overweight, you'll never be able to do it. Prove them wrong!
What about your own negative self talk, do you believe it?
Dr. Roger Gould writes about this in his book, Shrink Yourself... We can call that little voice in our head “Harriet” or “Harry”, and we learn to talk back. You need to convince her (or him) that these negative thoughts aren't true. Be very diligent in constantly responding to the self-criticism, constantly reminding yourself of all of your positive qualities, all of the obstacles you have overcome in the past.
Set out to lose one pound per week. Most of my clients lose about 1 pound per week or more when following their body type plan, and they keep it off!
It might sound painfully slow but imagine starting the new year off 20 pounds lighter! How would that feel? Focus on that feeling and use it to keep you motivated.
If you need some help in talking down that negative self talk, let me know. I
work on this a lot with my clients. I help you believe in yourself and achieve your weight loss /health goals.