Listeria Outbreaks - Drop 20 to 25 pounds!

Published: Mon, 06/06/16

Natural Health Ezine 81               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Listeria Outbreaks
Rock your bathing suit! Drop 20 -25 pounds
My Homemade Power Bars
Listeria Outbreaks - What to do?
Saturday night I was at a fun, pot luck birthday party with a bunch of friends. Yes, even though I tend to be more introverted, I do love parties, and am not always a "health nut," as one friend nick-named me! As a matter of fact, I like parties and social events so much, I was the social director for my cycling club for 3 years. I had a great time organizing all kinds of  tail-gate parties, BBQs, pic-nics, and we had some pretty wicked sangria after one summer evening ride!

Anyways, I regress : )

At the party, a friend from my cycling club had been on a bike ride that day and had eaten a power bar, only to come home and find that it had been recalled because of Listeria! 260 people died in the U.S. last year due to Listeria so it can be fatal.

It was a Kashi Trail Mix Whole Grain Bar.

Even the more healthy Cliff bars joined the list of products being recalled. Along with Quaker Quinoa granola bars. ( I hope you're not eating those, the list of ingredients is scary!)

Add these to the long list of foods being recalled for Listeria, like the frozen vegetables a few months ago, what do you do?

It's Simple... if you're eating real food, and preparing your own food with whole fresh ingredients, you don't need to worry about listeria!

See below for my delicious home made power bar recipe!
Rock Your Bathing Suit -  Drop 20 -25 pounds and get 3 Free Bonuses

Many of you remember Cyndy, above, she's a Gonad body type client who lost 25 pounds through following my amazing Body type program working with me through skype consults!

And Now...

By following the same program, in only 14 weekly skype sessions,  her daughter, Katie, an Adrenal type, has lost 20 pounds so far! Pictures and testimonial to follow.

You can bet I was waving my pom poms during our coaching session last week! Yes, I do actually have Pom Poms, we have Fun, and I LOVE to cheer my clients on!

The first 5 clients who contact me to drop 20 to 25 pounds and Rock Their Bathing Suit. Get  their initial consultation and these 3 free bonuses worth $70!

  1. My Natural ways to Lose weight Ebook worth $25
  2. My Yoga DVD or relaxation CD worth $20
  3. A pH test to test your acidity, a key to optimal health worth $25
I only have room for 5 more new clients, so Call me or respond to this email today to Get Ready to Rock Your Bathing Suit This Summer!  514-577-1963
Are you eating right for your body type?
Carrot Raisin Oatmeal Power Bars  - Adapted from Fast and Fun Food by Karen Claffey

I've given this recipe to literally hundreds of people. At every talk that I give my handout has this recipe. And most of my clients also get this recipe. It is my go-to snack, I make a big batch, wrap them individually and freeze them. When heading out, I grab one of these delicious filling bars and they defrost in an hour or two.

1 ½  cups spelt or kamut flour
1 ½ cups rolled oats
1 tbsp cinnamon
½ tsp allspice
½ tsp sea salt
½ cup maple syrup
12 drops liquid Stevia
½ cup organic first pressed cold canola oil
½ cup tahini (sesame butter)
1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated
1 cup carrots grated fine
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped walnuts
1.    Preheat oven to 350. Combine the first five dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix the next five wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the wet to the dry ingredients and mix well so no lumps of flour remain. Fold in the carrots, walnuts and raisins evenly.
2.    Oil a 8x8 baking dish (or a little bigger). Scrape all the batter from the bowl into the dish, press down and smooth the top. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or longer until golden brown and a skewer comes out clean.
3.    Cool to room temperature for one hour before slicing into bars.
Wrap individually, they freeze well.
To your natural health!

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