Check your inbox on Tuesday!

Published: Sun, 05/29/16

Natural Health Ezine 79               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Survey findings
Check your inbox on Tuesday for my latest ebook - Sh*t Happens Naturally - Natural Solutions for Constipation 
Tips for constipation while traveling
Following my dreams!
Survey Findings - What you're asking for!
Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to complete my first survey in my last newsletter. I really appreciate it! I apologize to those of you who tried to "Check all that apply," as that feature wasn't working, Woops! Note to self, try the survey first to make sure everything is working before sending it!

Just a few of the findings that I'll be working on providing for you:

  • You love to read about the latest health tips
  • The biggest health challenge for most is weight gain
  • The most popular health product would be "Meal plans, shopping lists and check lists for success," as well as an MP3 for relaxation
  • Challenges regarding constipation issues vary, however constipation while traveling is a general concern (see below for some tips)
My constipation ebook

My ebook will be ready this Tuesday, check your inbox!

Finally, my highly awaited ebook is almost ready, I'm putting on the finishing touches, and setting up the sales page, You'll receive the link on Tuesday!
Tips to alleviate constipation while traveling
Many factors contribute to constipation while traveling:
  • You switch from your high fiber cereal to a breakfast low in fiber, and other meals are lower in fiber
  • Your regular schedule is thrown off, which may be compounded by jet lag
  • You don't drink enough water and you consume a lot more alcohol, which is dehydrating.
  • You don't feel comfortable in a bathroom away from home.

What to do?

2 important things to do are:

1. Ensure you do everything you can to increase your fiber rather than reducing it. Head to the grocery store and stock up on high fiber foods. Buy some dried prunes to eat with some trail mix. (Prunes are one of the foods highest in fiber.) That's what I did on my bike trip last summer, and it worked really well.

Sweet potatoes are also very high in fiber, choose them if they are on option when eating out. How do you know which foods contain fiber? Simple, they grow! (and they're not animals)

2. Drink a lot of water to avoid dehydration which is one of the main causes of constipation. Especially if you're drinking more alcohol or coffee and tea, as these are all diuretics. For each cup of any of these beverages add in an extra cup and a half of water.
Following My Dreams!
In 1993 I took my Yoga Teachers Training Course in India. Since then I've had the honour of teaching hundreds of people yoga and prenatal yoga. Recently my goal has been to build my practice as a naturopath and let go of the yoga.

And I am there! Business is booming and I have to let go of the last yoga class I am teaching. So sad to say goodbye to my students, who I love and who have been with me for 8 -12 and even 18 years! But I am following my dreams and creating space for my new brand, Bodytypology and online weight loss group coming this fall, stay tuned! 
Sue-Anne gave me the information and resources I needed to help me to help my myself. I lost 8 pounds, I am eating healthier, more protein, more fiber, I am more regular. I love her relaxation CD, I am getting out more and taking time for me. I am in a much better place than before I came to see her.

Beverly S. (75 yrs young :) )
To your natural health!

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