What's wrong with your morning java?

Published: Wed, 03/02/16

Natural Health Ezine 71

www.health-and-natural-healing               Sue-Anne Hickey              
sa@health-and-natural-healing.com               514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
What's wrong with your morning java?
How to Reduce or cut our coffee
My New Brand!!!
What's wrong with your morning java?
Welcome to all of the new subscribers!

Don't worry! I don't take away my clients coffee. But if they are drinking a little too much of the brew all day long I suggest reducing the quantity, and often, even without my suggesting it, my clients naturally do that.

Raises Cholesterol:

We all know coffee is addictive. Go without your morning java and a wicked headache will ensue. But did you know that coffee increases cholesterol? Caffeine is a stimulant. It temporarily raises blood sugar by inducing insulin resistance for up to 6 hours. Insulin resistance is a primary cause of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and increases LDL and VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 1

Coffee acts like sugar, spiking up the glycemic levels, with the ensuing crash after, which is hard on the whole glandular system.

Increases anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, etc

Of course caffeine stimulates the nervous system, increasing heart rate, anxiety, nervous tremors, panic attacks and causes problems sleeping.

Acidifies the body and robs the body of calcium,  B vitamins and vitamin C

I have done a lot of research about acidity and the body, and I test pH... stay tuned for an upcoming ebook...Dr Christian Northrup reports that high-acid-forming foods, such as coffee, increase the acid level of the body, causing the body to draw calcium out of the bones to bring the pH back in line. This can lead to osteoporosis. Because coffee is a diuretic, Northrup has often described drinking coffee as ‘peeing your bones out one cup at a time’. 2

Increases hot flashes, PMS, lumpy breasts are made worse

Coffee contains xenoestrogens, hormone-like substances that can behave as extremely strong hormones in the body. Hence, the xenoestrogens in coffee work on estrogen receptor sites in the body and have a much stronger impact than the estrogens the body makes on its own.3

How to Reduce or cut out coffee
  • If you want to avoid headaches reduce slowly
  • Eat a big breakfast
  • Make sure your breakfast contains a lot of protein, such as 2 eggs or some Greek yogurt
  • Reduce your sugar intake
  • Have a protein snack at 10 Am, no sugar, perhaps some raw almonds
  • Eat at regular hours
  • Stop eating a 7 PM to be hungry for breakfast
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Exercise
  • If you drink a lot of coffee, you are probably deficient in B vitamins and magnesium so supplement with a complex B and magnesium
  • Increase fiber to avoid constipation
  • If you crave coffee eat foods high in protein
  • Breathe in essential oils, such as mint, peppermint, rosemary, basil, or cinnamon, these are all energizing.

Wow! The last 4 weight loss group participants lost 12, 12, 14  and 15 pounds and 45 inches in 13 weeks! One size fits all Never works. Eating right for your body type does!

How would you like to start the New Year off by dropping 10 to 15 pounds?

  •     Tired of not fitting into your clothes?
  •     Feeling deprived?
  •     Hate feeling guilty?
Start with...
a one-on-one consultation,
which gets you...
your own personalized body type plan.
And then...
Be part of a group for fun, laughter and support. We'll hold you accountable and help you instill your new healthy lifestyle. We'll not only cover weight loss and emotional eating, but all the key information you need to obtain optimal health and increased energy.

Next group starts Thurs. January 14th from 7 PM to 8:15 PM and runs for 13 weeks, $395.

Limited to 10 participants.
at Evolution Psychology Center,
1940 St Joseph, Lachine H8S 2N5

The group is filling up! There are only a few spots left!
Reserve your place now: 514-577-1963 or respond to this email

Insurance receipts provided.

If you prefer to work one on one, contact me to find out more. I do consultations in person or by skype. My clients lose 1 pound per week or more. Lose weight the healthy way and keep it off for good.

If you still have insurance from 2015 to use, let's use it up! Contact me for info.
My New Brand!!

Bodytypology: The Body Type System for Lasting Weight Loss!
I've been working behind the scenes with an awesome business coach, Marsh Engle of http://www.onemillioncalled2015.com/

For a long time I've found the name  www.health-and-natural-healing.com
too long.

I'm super excited with my New Brand, focusing more exclusively on weight loss.

Everyone has a different ...
  • Body type
  • Metabolism
  • Cravings
  • Energy levels at different times of the day
  • And everyone gains weight in different places
Bodytypology uses this to your advantage. When you follow your plan, not only will you lose weight, you will feel better and you will have more energy to do what you love every day.

Is it possible that the diet’s you’ve been trying aren’t designed for your specific body type?

Chances are this is the case if you tried countless diets before and they've never worked.
Because one size does not fit all!

There are four different body types and four different approaches to weight loss.

Stay tuned for my upcoming online weight loss group, a certification program and more! Contact me to learn your body type and for lasting weight loss at 514-577-1963, or respond to this email.
Testimonial - "I lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks"
"I cannot recommend Sue-Anne highly enough for anyone wanting to get their health back on track.

 I had been accumulating weight bit by bit over the last 10-15 years, in spite of what I thought were fairly healthy eating habits and activity levels.  Sue-Anne was able to advise me how to make small & subtle, but very key changes in my eating habits.

The focus seemed more about how to use exactly what and when I ate  to  maintain  energy ( I was often struggling with fatigue in spite of properly dosed thyroid medication)....pounds just naturally started coming off by following her guidelines for my body type. I lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks and have kept it off 4 months now.

Sue-Anne also helped me observe where other aspects of my daily schedule or lifestyle were sapping energy or falling out of perspective from my desired goals.We set small, but realistic short-term goals or "changes" each week: setting up the unused exercise bike in the basement( now I can't imagine life without it !), cleaning out one drawer or closet, going to sleep a little earlier, not having a glass of wine to wind down every night( now rarely having a glass of wine). And all the changes seemed more about keeping up my energy......losing weight was simply a happy bi-product of this process.

For me, these weekly check-ins were great for me to see my own progress & optimal for keeping up the momentum in my "journey" to better health. She helped me see that I sometimes wasn't taking as good care of myself as I did of others ( even my pets !); I gradually found myself guided to being more creative about where my time and energy went, and was able to better pace myself.

Thankfully I have the good fortune of being able to cut back on my work schedule, but had simply never had the courage to ask for the time off before. Sue-Anne helped me realize this was an untapped resource for me to recharge my batteries periodically if necessary.

Her non-judgemental and humorous support cheerleads us on to the changes we can make in our lives! Thank you for showing me all those possibilities, Sue-Anne! Bravo!"

Katherine P.

To your natural health!

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