What is Holding You Back?

Published: Thu, 04/28/16

Natural Health Ezine 77

www.health-and-natural-healing               Sue-Anne Hickey              
sa@health-and-natural-healing.com               514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
What is Holding You back?
The Shadows of Shame
What is Holding YOU back?
Last Saturday I was one of the speakers at the One Million Called to Lead event in Old Montreal.

It was a fabulous day and you can see by the picture above, how much fun we had. it was a combination of Ted Talks meets Super Soul Sessions.

I talked about the things that hold us back and in my case, it has been shyness.

Here is an abridged version of my talk:
Our Agreement

Why is it that so many of us experience this?

Why is it that this affects our bodies and the weight we carry on our bodies?

Could it be that this is what keeps us from truly succeeding?

 What I’m talking about is, the agreement to be shy. The agreement to be less than who we are. The agreement to hold back.

I’ve investigated, studied, explored, and I’ve done inner healing myself about this one thing that stands between us and being our greatest, most vibrant self. And I’m going to talk to you about that today, but right now I want to tell you my story.

When I was 30 I took my first yoga class and it completely changed my life. Shortly after I want to see a medium, a very spiritual woman, for some guidance. "I want to go back to a time around age 12 or 13, you took a decision then," she said. At first I didn’t know what she was referring to. She said again, "around puberty, what was going on?"

"That was when I found out from a friend that my father had gotten remarried, my parents divorce went through," I replied, "the house was sold , we had to move."

"You took a decision then, if I don’t let anyone get close to me they can’t hurt me."
 I burst into tears. That was when I had become painfully shy. I had always wondered why I had become so shy. This Ah Ha moment  allowed me to be able to begin breaking down my huge walls of shyness brick by brick.

I set off on an around the world spiritual journey that lasted a year and a half. I was searching for answers for the key to what holds us back from attaining all that we want.  I did 4 ten day silent meditation retreats, I learned about Buddhism in a monastery in Nepal, stayed at ashrams in India and Indonesia, it was Eat Pray Love, Canadian style.

Over time it became clear to me how most of us have these fears and pain we have spent our lives covering up. Myself included.

We use coping mechanisms that show up as over eating, using drugs or alcohol, overwork. And I’ve done them all. I got an A+ in partying in University.

In 2009 when I was voted as member of the year in my cycling club it hit me that maybe I wasn’t quite as shy anymore.

A few years ago I hired a business coach who believed in me more than I believed in myself. He told me that he was proud of me , I never remembered hearing that before. I began believing in myself  and I began to be proud of myself and willing to be seen.

Our Shadows of Shame
Over time it has became clear to me that most of us have some form of these shadows of shame
  • Saying yes to things when we really mean no. I see this so often with many of my clients  who are constantly giving, giving, giving and rarely taking time for themselves.
  • It can keep us agreeing to be shy when we are not shy
  • Agreeing to be dumb when we’re not dumb
  • It can keep us silent in board rooms,
  • And even worse it can keep us overweight and struggling with unhealthy numbers on the scale
What are your painfully shy experiences?
  • Fear of being loved
  • Fear of being exposed
  • Fear of being seen for your beauty and power
  • Fear of self care
  • Fear of self love
  • Fear of getting what you want

We can be proud of the women we are, the love we bring to the world, the way we bring communities together, trusting more.

When we step out of the shadow of shame we release weight more easily,
We have fewer cravings for unhealthy habits
Reveal the beauty of our bodies
Have more energy and confidence

It is time for us all to Step out of the Shadows of shame - that keep us hidden, keep us from being less than who we are, that keep us feeling unsafe in the world.

It is time to step into our power and into a body that is healthy, vibrant alive and allows us to shine.
Weight loss is so much more than nutrition!
I help my clients learn how to eat right for their body type, and I also help them discover and release their shadows of shame!

See the testimonial below.

Ready for life long transformation in the way you look and feel? Give me a call!
"I started seeing Sue-Anne in January, 3 months later and I have lost 15 pounds and I feel WAY MORE energetic and happy! More important, I can see positive changes in my overall health.

 I am 55. I have gained a few pounds every year for the last several years. I developed high blood pressure. Last year my doctor warned me that I also had a pre-diabetic condition and that if I kept doing what I had been doing I would probably need to take diabetes type-2 medication in the coming years. I did not like hearing that!

 I have been trying to lose weight on my own for the last 5 years.  I did the South Beach diet and others. I would lose 10 pounds in a couple of months, but I felt dissatisfied and frustrated - it was not a sustainable approach. I would progressively quit the diet, gain the weight back and add some more pounds, feeling quite unhappy and depressed.

 With Sue-Anne, we worked out a plan together, MY life plan! It put me on the right track I learned a lot more than just about what to eat. She has shown me an approach on how to make these changes long lasting and how to deal with reality of life that otherwise would quite often derail well-intentioned people. 

I just came back from a two-week business trip, eating in restaurants 3 times a day and I lost two more pounds!  I stayed active, exercising while having busy business days. Way to go!

 I am convinced that the changes I made are there to stay.   When I eat I feel satisfied and I don't feel frustrated at all. I am not counting anything, I just live my life, happily. My sugar blood level is decreasing.  My energy level is much higher and consistent through the days.  I sleep less and I wake up in the morning naturally, feeling more energetic.  I no longer feel sluggish in the evenings.  

 I truly appreciate the comprehensiveness of Sue-Anne's program. I got so much more out of this experience than I expected.  I understood the ‘why’ behind some of my bad habits. Having "Ah ha! Moments" during the program has been instrumental for me!

 I am so grateful to Sue-Anne for having helped me make these changes in my life. Meeting Sue-Anne has been a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE for me!"

 Alain Legault

To your natural health!

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