Just as each glandular body type has it's own specific healthy eating plan....
Each body type has exercise that will help them lose weight where they most want to.
For instance, the Adrenal Body Type tends to have a broad chest, large upper body and strong arms. They build muscle very
easily. If they hire a personal trainer who has them doing a lot of upper body strengthening with weights, they will simply build muscle and bulk up their upper body, without losing weight. Basically wasting a whole lot of time and money.
Yes, some strengthening is important, especially as we age, but not the best choice for an Adrenal type for weight loss.
The most beneficial exercise for the Adrenal Body Type, (who tend
to be stiff) is one that includes cardio, and involves speed and flexibility such as squash or tennis. Other good choices might be cycling, aerobics or running.
Other body types have completely different types of exercise that will help them lose the weight more easily.
Curious to know more? Contact me by responding to this email or give me a call 514-577-1963.