The Best Exercise For Weight Loss

Published: Sat, 01/23/16

Natural Health Ezine 72               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
The Best Exercise for Weight Loss
Your Glandular Body Type Determines the Best Exercise For You
Mont Tremblant Provincial Park Quebec, Jan. '16
The Best Exercise For Weight Loss
First of all, the best exercise for weight loss is...

The one that you will do! (and hopefully enjoy!)

I Love cross county skiing in the winter and cycling in the summer. I am a member of a cycling club and a cross country ski club. There are outings that are organized every weekend and weekends away. A great time to socialize with a fun bunch of people who share the same passions, while staying in shape.

What kind of exercise do you enjoy? Maybe there's a new sport you might like to try?

 If you are a confirmed couch potato you can always try walking. It might feel challenging to get yourself out the door, but once you do, I am sure you'll be so happy you did and you will feel amazing!

Don't believe me?

Then watch even just the first few minutes of this video clip by Dr. Mike Evans an M.D in Toronto!

Woops! Down I go!
Your body type determines the best exercise for weight loss
Just as each glandular body type has it's own specific healthy eating plan....

Each body type has exercise that will help them lose weight where they most want to.

For instance, the Adrenal Body Type tends to have a broad chest, large upper body and strong  arms. They build muscle very easily. If they hire a personal trainer who has them doing a lot of upper body strengthening with weights, they will simply build muscle and bulk up their upper body, without losing weight. Basically wasting a whole lot of time and money.

Yes, some strengthening is important, especially as we age, but not the best choice for an Adrenal type for weight  loss.

The most beneficial exercise for the Adrenal Body Type, (who tend to be stiff) is one that includes cardio, and involves speed and flexibility such as squash or tennis. Other good choices might be cycling, aerobics or running.

Other body types have completely different types of exercise that will help them lose the weight more easily.

Curious to know more? Contact me by responding to this email or give me a call 514-577-1963.
 Me as a ski bunny a few years ago, downhill skiing.
January Weight Loss Support Group is Closed
 Sorry, but the January group is officially closed.  To keep quality high, I only open this program a couple of times a year, and it sells out quite quickly.

We have a super bunch of determined women in the group, I will keep you posted as to their progress. One of them lost 5 pounds in the first 5 days!

Stay tuned as a day time group will be opening up soon! Let me know if you're interested!

Next group at night starts Tues. April 12th from 7 PM to 8:15 PM and runs for 12 weeks

Reserve your place now: 514-577-1963 or respond to this email. Insurance receipts provided.
Testimonial From the Weight Loss Group
"I started Sue-Anne’s program 13 weeks ago with a goal of losing weight and what I got was SO MUCH MORE!
I had never been to a Naturopath before nor had participated in a weight loss group program.
Our weekly meetings were not just about information. They were about motivation, encouragement and belief in us no matter what our goals were.

To think that eating according to your body type would actually give results was unimaginable at first, but now I can honestly say there is no better way to eat! And I lost 12 pounds.

I would highly recommend Sue-Anne’s program to whoever is thinking about making a change in their life…it will be the best gift you give yourself!"

To your natural health!

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