4 Steps To Break A Habit

Published: Mon, 09/07/15

Natural Health Ezine 65

www.health-and-natural-healing               Sue-Anne Hickey              
sa@health-and-natural-healing.com               514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
How to Break a Habit, Start a New One
Sow a thought...
Fall Weight Loss Group
Fall Yoga

Practicing yoga outside at the Sivananda Ashram, Val Morin, Qc,
How to Break a Habit and Instill a Better One
Last weekend I was up north of Montreal at the Sivananda Yoga Ashram.

I love practicing yoga outside, with the birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees. I feel that there is no place I would rather be!

That weekend, the theme was, The Art of Positive Thinking. Here are some of the teachings and my own spin on some of the main points of the weekend talks.
Morning Meditation and Talk, aka Satsang
1. Sow a thought and reap an action
“You sow a thought and reap an action.
You sow an action and reap a habit.
You sow a habit and reap a character.
You sow a character and reap your destiny.”
– Swami Sivananda

Everything begins with a  thought, every dream, everything we want to do starts with a  thought. Swami Sivananda said, "The prime requisite for happiness is control over the thoughts."

If you are overeating, what percentage of the time are you overeating due to emotional eating? What thought is there, when you over eat, or eat unhealthy foods? Listen, become aware, keep a journal, notice the patterns.

What if you have a thought that keeps on playing over and over in your head?

How would it be if you could eradicate that thought and replace it with a positive virtue? Say your thought is one that says, "I am not good enough." And that thought keeps you from moving forward to attaining your goals.

Perhaps it keeps you from eating healthily, losing the weight you want to, or giving up the alcohol that you drink every night. How would it be if you could eradicate that thought? In his book, "Thought Power," Swami Sivananda proposed replacing the thought with a positive virtue you would like to develop.

At the yoga camp we were given a long list of positive virtues we might work on.

Here are a few from the list:

  • Accepting one's own faults and mistakes
  • Balance of Mind
  • Calmness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Compassion for all living beings
  • Contentment
  • Courage (fearlessness)
  • Diligence
  • Discipline
  • Feeling God's presence at all times and in all actions
  • Forgiveness
  • Generosity
  • Humility
  • Kindness
  • Magnanimity
  • Modesty
  • Patience
  • Pure Love
  • Serenity
  • Sincerity
Every time the negative thought comes up you can replace it with the opposite thought or one of the virtues that you want to have more of in your life. Courage might be one. Every time a negative thought comes up you replace it with the thought, "I am courageous."

Changing your thoughts is the first and most important action step. Everything begins in our mind.

Yoga and meditation allow us to learn how to train the mind. When negative thoughts arise we let go of them much more quickly each time we practice, coming back to focus on the breathing. Over and over letting go, letting go, letting go. Until most of the thoughts are all positive and when negative thoughts do come up, we let them go quickly, with ease.
Moonrise at the camp
2. Set a Goal
Be clear
Have a vision of what your life will be like when you have achieved your goal. Take some time for introspection.

Ask yourself what the purpose of your life is.
Make a list of all the things you are attached to.
List your fears.
List the things that you like  and the things that you dislike.
Be clear of what needs to happen in order for you to achieve your goal.
Write out your goals.
3. Create a daily routine to get there
You can use affirmations, such as, "I am the embodiment of courage."
Morning and evening you can practice feeling the feeling
Place reminders around the house or on your screen saver
Use visualization
Create a routine and a diary to keep track of your successes, each night keeping track, giving you awareness of when you got stuck,
Use introspection to not make the same mistake
Keep positively busy with yoga, relaxation, etc
Don't give any space for the weeds to grow, simplify your life.
Gardens and the straw bale lodge.
4. Keep a "diary" to keep track of your progress
Keeping a diary gives you awareness
Make a little weekly chart for your goals and check off how you're doing at the end of each day.
Even if you feel you're advancing at a snails pace, keep track and keep on going.

If you need more help with your weight loss or healthy eating goals contact me to work with me one on one or in a group.
Free Movie - The Shift
A great spiritual teacher, Wayne Dyer passed away on August 30th.

Here is the link to watch his movie The Shift for free, but hurry up, it expires on Tuesday September 9th.  http://bit.ly/1XdQG9e

In the movie Wayne talks about Lao Tzu asking us to live our life by the 4 virtues:
  1. Reverence for all life : Respect
  2. Sincerity: Honesty
  3. Gentleness: Kindness
  4. Supportiveness: Service
Groundhogs hiding out under the deck.
Fall Weight Loss Group
My Fall Weight Loss Support Group is filling up!

I'm really excited about it, we already have a super group of highly motivated women on board.
  • Tired of not fitting into your clothes?
  • Feeling deprived?
  • Hate feeling guilty?
Start with...
a one-on-one consultation,
which gets you...
your own personalized plan.

And then...

Be part of a group for fun, laughter and support. We'll hold you accountable and help you instill your new healthy lifestyle. We'll not only cover weight loss and emotional eating, but all the key information you need to obtain optimal health and increased energy.

Next group starts Thurs. Sept. 17th from 7 PM to 8:15 PM and runs for 13 weeks, $395.
Limited to 10 participants.
at Evolution Psychology Center,
1940 St Joseph, Lachine H8S 2N5
Reserve your place now: 514-577-1963 or respond to this email

Fall Yoga
The fall session starts this  Wednesday September 9th from 6PM to 7:30 PM in the beautiful space pictured here. A 14 week session for $235. Or $19 drop in.

Reserve your place now: 514-577-1963 or respond to this email
"After visiting Sue-Anne for my own dietary needs, she gave me some insightful and practical direction in regards to my toddler's dietary needs in correlation to her sleeping through the night. I increased her protein intake at dinner. From one week of nightly wake ups to the next week of no wake ups! My husband and I are getting more rest! Thank you Sue-Anne!"
Nathalie M.
To your natural health!

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