Stay Healthy When You Travel

Published: Sun, 08/23/15

Natural Health Ezine 64               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Staying Healthy When You Travel
Fall Yoga Session
Weight Loss Group - Lose weight without any effort!
                  Family road trip, my brothers and sister and I, about 50 years ago and last week!
 Staying healthy when you travel
Last week I told you about how I followed a dream I had for 23 years of cycle touring! For those of you who'd like to see more pictures and read about my journey, you can here.

It wasn't easy to eat healthy while on the road and I learned a lot.

Here are my top 7 tips.
1. Plan in advance
Planning your trip is half the fun! While deciding where you're going to go, find out if there are any healthy restaurants where you'll be headed or health food stores where you can stock up on healthy snacks and food.
                                             I finally found a place that had healthy food in PEI.
2. Bring along your yoga mat, apps for yoga or relaxation, running shoes, etc.
Last weekend we had an awesome family reunion!

My sister in law has an app called "yogastudio" on her phone. Tons of yoga classes for a one time fee of $2.50. She uses it every day to stretch after her run. And she sticks to her routine, even while away. 4 of us used her phone to do a 30 minute yoga class together on the back deck of my sister's house!

These days it's easy to bring along everything you need to relax, exercise and sretch. Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you have to take a vacation from staying in shape!
4 generations of my family. What great times, I felt so blessed!
3. Bring a big batch of trail mix
Trail mix is my go-to snack while at home or on the road. This is something I was able to do even while traveling by bicycle as it doesn't go bad. No need for a fridge. Buy in bulk and mix together:
  • Raw almonds
  • Raisins
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Gojji berries
  • Dried apricots
  • Dried prunes
  • etc.
Keep in a bag and if you run out buy some more. ( Avoid the prepackaged mixes as they usually contain unhealthy oils or added salt, etc)
4. Stay regular
So many people, myself included, get constipated while traveling. I've read that it has to do with feeling uncomfortable without your own toilet. In any case, I found  a simple way to alleviate it.

If you tend to get constipated while away, add dried prunes to your trail mix! Dried prunes are one of the foods with the highest amount of fiber. You can also increase your intake of probiotics and magnesium citrate. And stay active (see #2)

Also, make sure you drink lots of water to stay hydrated and stay regular.
5. Request a mini fridge and electric kettle
If you'll be staying in hotels, make sure your room comes equipped with a mini fridge and kettle. You can fill up your fridge with the home-made power bars you've brought along, fruits, vegetables, snacks you've picked up at the health food store, hummus, etc.

A kettle can be used for relaxing herbal teas or to make instant oatmeal in the morning (not the sugar laden kind, add in fresh or dried fruit.) Or, even better, Nature's Path makes a super healthy instant hot cereal called Q'ia, try it!
6. Try grocery store ready made salads
Before traveling by bus or coming back home by train I hit the grocery stores for some huge salads. These freshly made salads were super economical and more healthy than most any meal you might grab on the go.
7. Yes of course, deviate a little and enjoy savoring the local specialties!
I like to encourage my clients to stick to the 80 - 20 rule. Aim to make 80% of your foods nutritionally dense and 20% your fun foods, Don't deprive yourself, enjoy your fun foods, don't feel guilty about them and get back on track the rest of the time.

Yes, I did enjoy many foods I usually don't eat at home!

The main thing is to stay healthy most of the time and Have Fun!
                                  But please don't eat at McDonald's, even if they have McLobster!
Fall Yoga Session
The fall session starts on Wednesday September 9th at 6PM in the beautiful space below. A 14 week session for $235. Or $19 drop in. Email or call me to reserve your place.
Fall Weight Loss Group - Lose Weight Without Any Effort!
How would you like to drop 15 pounds this fall?

Even better, how would you like to do it Without Any Effort?

Read The Testimonials Below!

Join us this fall: Start with a consultation with me to get your personalized glandular body type plan, and then join a fabulous group of women for fun, motivation and accountability!

Thursday nights starting September 17th, 7 Pm to 8:15 PM.

Call or email me to reserve your place. I only have room for 10 people, 514-577-1963. Please feel free to forward this on to anyone you know who may be interested.
""I never thought it was possible!  I lost 15 and a half pounds. My husband said to me the other day “Who are you and what have you done with my wife”!! I feel like a whole new person – Thanks!!" Anna See Anna's pic

"I lost 10 pounds and it was no effort to stick to it."  Kari

"I find that my weight is literally falling off without any effort, so long as I follow the eating plan of my glandular body type. I must admit that I was quite skeptical at the beginning, and found it hard to believe that you can eat according to your body type. However, you have proven this to indeed be true." Linda, has lost 40 pounds and counting since starting the group!

Ten weeks later, Fifteen pounds have melted away with what feels like no effort."  Joleen
To your natural health!

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