How To Lose Weight Over the Holidays

Published: Fri, 11/06/15

Natural Health Ezine 68               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
How To Lose Weight Over the Holidays
6 Steps to Success
Bonuses for the first 5 people that contact me
How to lose weight over the holidays
Have you ever been really happy to drop a few pant sizes? How would it feel to do that over the Holidays? When everyone else is gaining! How would it feel to look great, wearing a really nice holiday outfit?

I recently got a text from Cyndy, pictured above. She was excited to let me know that she had just bought pants in a size 10! Imagine that in June 2014, when we started doing our sessions by Skype, Cyndy was 25 pounds heavier. She lost the weight over 6 months and has maintained it ever since. She got off of her medication for allergies and acid reflux...and All of our consults were done by Skype. 

Right now I have a  small weight loss group with 4 clients... in 6 weeks, so far they have lost 12, 9, 8 and 7 pounds! And the list goes on! It is not unusual for my clients in my weight loss group or working with me one on one to lose between 10 and 16 pounds in 12 weeks.

Here's how it's done:
1. We determine your Glandular Body Type
One size fits all Never works for weight loss. You'll fill out a health history form and keep a food journal for 3 days. We meet by Skype or in person for 90 minutes and go through everything. We figure out your body type. We pinpoint which areas you’d like support with and we help you create a few breakthroughs right away!

If we both feel it’s a good fit, we discuss which of the different packages I offer would best suit your specific needs. 
2. You get your own personalized plan and your manual to Ensure Your Success
You'll have your own glandular body type plan, tweaked for you and your food preferences, that works with your busy lifestyle.
I've gathered the best of my 25 years of passion about nutrition, healthy eating and lifestyle, stress management, favorite motivational quotes, articles I've written and more and put this all into One Amazing Manual that you'll receive in the mail or in person.

We work as a team, uncovering and uprooting the underlying causes of your particular weight gain and/or health ailments.
3. You'll choose 2 fun "Core Desired Feelings" and 2 goals Every Week.
We keep it fun! Each week, you'll choose how you want to feel from a list of 150 positive feelings. You'll choose which of the 4 pillars of health you'd like to focus on:
  1. Diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Lifestyle
  4. Supplements and vitamins
And from those you'll choose 2 "Action Steps" You'll take for the upcoming week.
4. Following your own plan you'll start to see and feel the results Right Away
What happens when you start to follow your plan? Here's what all my clients find:
  • You'll feel satisfied, no longer hungry
  • Increased energy
  • Fewer cravings
  • Psychological changes, an overall sense of well being
  • Physical ailments start to clear up
  • More balanced
  • You'll lose weight where you most want to
5. My Encouragement and Support + Keeping you Accountable + Your Commitment = Amazing Results That Last!
We work as a team. You'll craft your "Why" and your Vision. Step by step, week by week, you'll continue to make changes slowly adding on to the previous week, replacing foods with more nutritionally dense choices, working on balancing all aspects of your health, environmental, physical and emotional.

I cheer you on and help you always keep your vision of how life will be like when you attain your goal front and foremost, and I help you celebrate your success!

You'll enjoy my encouraging motivational emails and support in between our sessions.
6. Your new habits become a natural part of your life as you achieve your goals and continue effortlessly
You'll love that there are no calories or points to count, nothing to measure, you can easily determine exactly what kinds of foods are right for you to eat, at what time.

Quick weight loss just comes right back on again. Habits made slowly over time Last! Your new habits become ingrained, and you are able to easily continue. You'll be feeling great wearing any outfit you choose!
What doesn't work? Or How to Gain Weight Over the Holidays?
Doing it on your own doesn't work. If it did, you would have done it a long time ago. Cyndy had been trying on her own for 9 years to lose 10 pounds.
The First five people to contact me get these bonuses worth 75$
With your 90 minute consult in person or by skype, you'll get $75 worth of bonuses for free!

An in-depth look at the 4 body types, their specific eating plans, exercises, vitamins and supplements most beneficial for each type. As well as top nutrition tips and key factors for success.

2. A pH Test And Analysis  - Worth $25.
Most people have a body that's overly acidic. When that happens, calcium is leeched from the bones, magnesium from the nerves and potassium from the muscles. This leaves the body de-mineralized and prone to osteoporosis, inflammation and disease. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment.

3. My Yoga DVD or Relaxation CD - Worth 20$
De-stress and relax in the comfort of your own home

Don't delay. I will only be accepting the first 5 people who contact me!

Book your 90 minute consultation for $140 and take advantage of these great bonuses.  514-577-1963 or respond to this email.

Friday Funny! Mother Nature has a great sense of humour. Look what I got in my organic veggie basket yesterday, Lol!
"Since working with Sue-Anne, I have learned to let go of counting calories and instead enjoy wholesome food to the point of satiation.  I am eating more and in the first week lost 4 pounds. I feel great."
Rachel Leider - See more at:

"Since working with Sue-Anne, I have learned to let go of counting calories and instead enjoy wholesome food to the point of satiation.  I am eating more and in the first week lost 4 pounds. I feel great."
Rachel Leider - See more at:
Since working with Sue-Anne, I have learned to let go of counting calories and instead enjoy wholesome food to the point of satiation.  I am eating more and in the first week lost 4 pounds. I feel great."
Rachel L.
To your natural health!

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