De-clutter For Joy And Health

Published: Tue, 10/27/15

Natural Health Ezine 67               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Tidy Up and Increase Joy
Processed Meat in the News
Use Up That Insurance
Tidy Up And Increase Joy!
Welcome to all of the new subscribers!

It's been quite a few weeks since my last newsletter, I apologize! I've been busy de-cluttering. I bought the book above and I have been going non-stop.

Are any of your closets kind of full? Do you have things that people have given you that you don't really like, but that you keep because you'd feel guilty giving them away?

Imagine your home filled only with things that bring you joy!

My place is pretty tidy, but all of the cupboards have been really full since I moved here over 6 years ago. It was time to purge. I went through everything the Marie Kondo way (the author's way.) You pick up each item and ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If it doesn't, out it goes! She even teaches you how to fold your clothes to stand upright on their own, and neatly fit everything into your drawers.

I've almost finished going through Everything and it feels so amazing and light!  There is so much more space and of course a better energy flow. But even better, is that everything around me truly does "spark joy!"

How does this pertain to health? Well of course our thoughts are directly related to our health and well being. Renowned psychiatrist, researcher, and spiritual teacher Dr. David Hawkins states, “We are only subject to that which we hold in mind,” and “the body will do what the mind believes.”

When you're filled with a state of joy, what could be better for your health?

Let me know if you get the book and send me your before and after pictures! It's kind of hard to tell, but everything below is folded and standing upright.
Processed meat in the news
In case you live under a rock, the World Health Organization declared yesterday that  ham, sausage and other processed meats can lead to colon, stomach and other cancers — and red meat is probably cancer-causing, too. They put processed meats in the same danger category as cigarettes or asbestos.

I'm always happy when we finally have large organizations on board telling the public things that I've known to be true for years. I stopped eating meat 25 years ago. ( I added poultry back in 9 years ago)

Dr. Joe Schwarcz, a prominent Montreal chemist  wrote this a few years ago, how wrong he was!

"Nitrites are perhaps the most controversial components of hot dogs. They add flavor, color and prevent the growth of the deadly clostridium botulinum bacteria. But they can also react with other components in meat, called amines, to form nitrosamines. These substances are carcinogenic in test animals, and probably in humans. But their actual risk is very small."

In the future, you'll hear from the W.H.O. and others, that dairy is mucous forming and detrimental to your health, unnecessary after the age of two. And that any refined oil or oil or fat heated to high temperature clogs arteries.

You'll be able to say, that you read it here first!
Let's use up your 2015 naturopathy insurance
Give yourself or your loved ones the gift of health!

I am a member of the A.N.P.Q. The Quebec Association of  Professional Naturopaths, and I give insurance receipts. Most people are covered in many Canadian provinces.

Call or email me to find out about how you can receive my total support, guidance and accountability to ensure your success.  I look forward to meeting with you, helping you achieve your health or weight loss goals and transform your health one step at a time! 514-577-1963
 My experience with Sue-Anne was definitely a positive one. Not only did she teach me how to eat for my body type and weight loss. (I fit into my fave jeans again, I lost 9 pounds so far), but she helped me become a more confident person.

Her guidance also helped me manage my stress. In other words, I came out of the experience having learned a lot and feeling like a new person! I highly recommend booking a consult with Sue-Anne she is the best.
To your natural health!

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