3 Key Factors For Weight Loss

Published: Tue, 06/23/15

Natural Health Ezine 60

www.health-and-natural-healing               Sue-Anne Hickey              
sa@health-and-natural-healing.com               514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Happy Summer!
3 Key Factors For Weight Loss
Happy Summer!
I kicked summer off with a bang. I just returned from a few awesome days at Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.

A fabulous girlfriends getaway. Here we are masterminding on the boat! We came up with the details of my Online Weight Loss Program! I'm so excited, I've been working on this for a long time. Details coming up as I get everything together...
3 Key Factors to Lose Weight
I love working with my weight loss clients. When we start they're often very excited, determined and ready for change. At the beginning I ask them why they want to lose weight.

Different answers may come up...

"I want to lose weight for my vacation."
"To fit into my bathing suit."
"Because I have a family reunion coming up."

1. What is Your Why?
The answer that I am looking for is, "I want to be healthy."

The word "health" is what is all important.

Because let's face it, sometimes the initial enthusiasm wears off and you go off track on the weekend with BBQs or parties or you want to indulge in a few extra glasses of wine or beer more often. How do you get back on track? You focus on  your why.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”― Friedrich Nietzsche

2. You must have a clear Vision: What will life be like when you do reach your desired weight? How will that feel? What will people be saying? What will you be doing? What will you be wearing? What will be different? Keep hold of your vision to get you through challenging times.

Both of those are key points we cover in my weight loss packages. Part of the exercises in my manual each client receives.

 And the most important Key to Success?

3. You need someone to hold you Accountable! And cheer you on! That's where I come in, pom poms and all!

If you could have done it on your own you would have. I've had a few clients who decided that they  simply wanted some information and they would do it on their own. As far as I know, none were able to. But my success rate with those who I coach, is really high.

And yes, most importantly, they do transform their health at the same time. Read the testimonial below!

If you want to feel great in your bathing suit AND improve your health, there's still time!

Contact me today by responding to this email, or call me at 514-577-1963.
"I thought I would share with you that I just got back from my yearly check up and happy to report that my doctor was quite impressed with the change in my numbers all around ...EVERYTHING is way way down ...BIG improvement ...Thanks so much for steering me on the right path!"

To your natural health!

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