Are Your Hormones Doing the Makarena?

Published: Sat, 11/08/14

Natural Health Ezine 48               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Easy Weight Loss With Your Personalized Body Type Plan - Conference
My Next Weight Loss Support Group - Starting Soon!
Are Your Hormones Doing The Makarena?
Healthy Recipe - Garden Veggie Antipasto
Balanced hormones at last! - Testimonial
Easy Weight Loss With Your Personalized Body Type Plan -Conference at Evolution Psychology Center - Monday Nov. 17th  7 PM - 8:30 PM
Join me for  the first conference I am giving at EPC! Come and see the gorgeous 19th century stone house where I have my office and Find out how you can lose weight easily with your own body type diet.

The most positive health change I’ve ever made in my life, has been to learn to eat in a way that suits my body type. My strength and energy increased, my sweet cravings went away, the eczema I had had on my hands for 20 years cleared up, and my complexion took on a healthy glow. I went from experiencing energy ‘crashes’ in the afternoons to feeling so balanced and having Full Out Energy all day, every day!
Bring a friend  to the conference and learn all about the 4 types, how to eat right for your body type and transform your health.
Seating is limited to only 15 people. 1940 St. Joseph, Lachine, H8S 2N5 

Reserve Your Place Now!. Cost  is $15.
In.Form Weight Loss Support Group - Yes! You Can Make it Through the Holidays Without Gaining Weight! 
OMG, my present weight loss group is having such AMAZING RESULTS!

They have lost many pounds AND inches (Joleen is now down 14 pounds in 8 weeks! ) and more importantly, they've made lifestyle changes, they've learned how to replace foods with better choices, they've had Ah Ha moments and breakthroughs about what some underlying emotional issues were keeping the pounds on.
They've been sharing how satisfied they feel (ie not hungry!)  with their personalized plans, how much easier it is and less time consuming than Weight Watchers - no points to count, no measuring anything.
They've done a simple cleanse, which even helped Mireille get rid of the huge hot flashes she's had for 13 years... See the testimonial at the bottom of this ezine!
They're transforming recipes into more healthy versions.
They're even feeling much calmer and less stressed with a simple vitamin combination supplement I gave some of them.
There's been tears and laughter, encouragement, lots of learning and fun! Tons of benefits from the group support.
Losing weight is difficult! Join my next weight loss group and be guaranteed the same results as those who are in my group now and  Even more!  I'll be incorporating a whole lot of new knowledge gained from the In.Form Training I received in October.
Turn your body into a fat burning machine! You'll start each meeting with a nutritious shake!
2 Groups to choose from -  13 weeks: (with an Xmas break)
Mondays Nov. 24th - 11:30 AM - 12:45 or
Thursdays Nov. 27th - 6:30 - 7:45 PM
$350 + $45 for a one on one consult, to get your personalized body type plan.
1940 St. Joseph, Lachine, H8S 2N5
I only have room for 10 people and the groups are filling up fast! Reserve your spot now! 514-577-1963 or simply respond to this email.
Are Your Hormones Doing the Makarena
Natural Solutions for PMS and Menopause
Why are hormones so important? Hormones send and receive messages critical for many body functions. They are part of a regulatory system that plays a role in immune function. Tiny amounts can cause large changes in our cells.  And most importantly…they can make the difference between a good day and a bad day!
Many women suffer from symptoms related to hormonal imbalance, but there is no need to suffer. There is much you can do to alleviate premenstrual and menopausal symptoms naturally!
Pre-menopause, estrogen is produced by the ovaries, liver, adrenal glands and fat cells. Post- menopause, the ovaries quit production and the job is left to the liver, adrenal glands and fat cells. It is essential these glands are working well in order to produce enough estrogen to alleviate PMS and menopause symptoms. Due to our high exposure to air pollution, chemicals and pesticides, almost everyone’s liver could use some help, either through cleansing or building. High levels of stress and anxiety can cause adrenal fatigue.
First and foremost, it is important to eat a varied diet with plenty of natural, whole, fresh foods; lots of dark leafy greens; fresh fruits and vegetables; adequate protein; and healthy fats. Increase your consumption of foods that nourish the reproductive system, such as raw nuts, whole grains, seeds, (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, almonds) Eat fresh sprouts and foods rich in lecithin, such as egg yolks.
Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) features many foods that create toxicity in our systems and stress out our glands.
Foods to avoid include white sugar, white flour, dairy, chemical additives and preservatives, and all foods containing these ingredients. Also it’s important to avoid fatty or fried foods, and fast foods.
Replace table salt with sun-dried natural sea salt. Reduce coffee and alcohol and drink plenty of pure water. Water is the solution to the dilution of the pollution!
It is also important to make lifestyle changes and learn how to better manage stress and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.
Helping my clients eat right for their body type helps tremendously and there are many plants and vitamins that can naturally relieve symptoms as well. Each person has different needs depending on their situation but some high quality supplements and vitamins that can help with female hormone imbalances include the following:
  • ginger for menstrual cramps;
  • vitamin B6 combined with a complex B for PMS irritability;
  • vitamin C, vitamin E and herbs such as time-released black cohash for menopause symptoms.
If you and your family have been suffering around that time of the month, I’d be happy to help you find more balance for you and your hormones.
Read the testimonial below to see how I helped Mireille alleviate hot flashes she had for 13 years!
Garden Veggie Antipasto

This simple recipe from May All be Fed, by John Robbins is a delicious way to get in some extra veggies. This combo is good or use any vegetables, lightly steamed or raw.
1 small cauliflower, cut in florets
½ bunch broccoli, trimmed and cut into florets
3 medium carrots, cut into sticks
1/3  cup red wine vinegar- unpasteurized
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp thyme
1 garlic clove minced
1/2  tsp sun dried sea salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste
Put water in large sauce pan with steamer basket, bring to a boil. Put the vegetables into the steamer basket, cover and steam about 5 minutes. (I kept mine a little longer, you want them crunchy, do not overcook) Put the veggies in a bowl.
Put the vinaigrette ingredients in a jar, cover with the lid and shake.
Pour the vinaigrette over the steamed vegetables. Toss until well coated. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes before serving.
Weight Loss Support Group  - Testimonial
"My hot flashes started in 2001 and were unbearable. My sheets would be soaking wet every single time I slept, whether at night or even during an afternoon nap. My hot flashes happened all the time. I hardly wore a winter coat, the lighter the better! I could not wear anything with long sleeves or with wool.
 I did not want to take hormone replacement therapy because there is a history of cancer in my family, lung, stomach and breast. I was really left with nothing to do but suffer. Opening windows in winter, installing A/C in the summer were my only solutions, that is until I met Sue-Anne.
 She recommended that I do a simple cleanse with a product that would help my liver. I started taking it and my hot flashes disappeared! I must tell you that the results are fantastic: After 13 years, no more hot flashes! Thank you so much Sue-Anne for your advice."
 Mireille Kulisz
To your natural health!

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