What’s Holding You Back From Achieving Your Dreams?

Published: Sun, 01/25/15

Natural Health Ezine 51

www.health-and-natural-healing               Sue-Anne Hickey              
sa@health-and-natural-healing.com               514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
What’s Holding You Back?
My Upcoming Weight loss Workbook and Recipe Book!
Weight Loss Group
Healthy Recipe - french Onion Soup
Weight Loss - Testimonial
What's Holding YOU Back From Achieving Your Dreams?
In working with my clients for weight loss, one of the exercises we do, is to discover “Why” they gained weight.

They might respond that they were eating unhealthy foods. So we keep digging deeper. What was going on at that time? We keep on asking why and with each response we get closer to discovering the root cause.
For instance, say someone is late for work. We ask why?
Because I got a speeding ticket…. Why?
Because I got up late….. Why?
Because my alarm clock didn’t go off…. Why? 
Because the battery had died. –

Now we have gotten to the root cause.

When we are able to get to the root cause we may uncover some painful emotions that we’ve been burying or not wanting to feel.

“The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure that you seek.” Joseph Campbell

Once we are able to acknowledge and work through the root cause of the pain, transformation begins to take place.

When I was 30 I went to see an intuitive, one of my first spiritual teachers.

“I want to go back to when you were about 12 or 13, what was going on at that time?” She asked.
At first I didn’t know, she persisted...
“It was around puberty, you took a decision at that time.”
“That was the time that my parents’ divorce went through, we sold the house I grew up in and had to move,” I said.
“You decided, if I don’t let anyone get close to me, they can’t hurt me.” She replied.
“That was when I became so shy,” I said, and I burst into tears. I had been so painfully shy since then. I had built up a big wall around myself. I had always wondered why I was so shy!

By touching on that incident and getting to the cause, I was able to start healing and finally came out of my shell, breaking down that wall one brick at a time. Now most people are surprised if I tell them that I used to be shy.

Most of us have some pain that we are using addictions to cover up.  Drugs, alcohol, overwork, food, love, sex. 

Get to your  root cause and begin working through and letting go of the dark feelings to be able to achieve all of your goals, be it weight loss or letting go of other addictions.

“Enlightenment is making the dark, conscious.” Jung.

This is just one of the exercises I do to help my clients achieve their health and weight loss dreams.
My Upcoming Weight loss Workbook and Recipe Book!
I've been putting together all the information I've created and gathered for over 20 + years into a Weight Loss Workbook!

It's the perfect accompaniment to my Natural Ways To Lose Weight EBook.

It contains 12 Modules filled with  help with every aspect of your weight loss. Written exercises, how I stock my pantry, fridge and freezer, help with cravings, emotional eating, positive quotes, Success tracking sheets, and so much more!

I'm really excited to share this with you. As soon as it's completed you'll be the first to know!

All of my clients are always asking me for healthy recipes. I have finally collected over 70 of my favorite recipes and I am organizing them into a  Recipe book, stay tuned!
Weight Loss Support Group
We just started a new Weight Loss Support Group with a fabulous group of determined and excited women. There are still a few spots left...Join us for fun, support, encouragement and accountability!

Thursday nights,  6:30 PM at
Evolution Psychology Center, 1940 St. Joseph, Lachine, H8S 2N5

13 weeks for $350
Reserve your spot now! 514-577-1963 or simply respond to this email.

If you'd rather work one on one contact me to set up a time. In person, by Skype or phone.
French Onion Soup
It's been a very cold winter in Montreal!  I've been making big pots of healthy soup to keep warm. This is a great recipe adapted from The New Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen

4 cups vegetable soup broth or chicken broth or water.
4 large yellow onions thinly sliced
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp sea salt
A dash or two of thyme
½ tsp dry mustard
2 tbs, Braggs liquid soy seasoning
2 - 3 Tbsp dry white wine (optional)
a few dashes of white pepper

Sauté onions in butter for a few minutes with the salt. Add mustard and thyme, cover and simmer very slowly for 35 minutes more until they're very soft and simmering in their own liquid. Add broth and the rest of the ingredients. Simmer, at least 10 more minutes, adjust the seasonings. Top with garlic toast, grated Swiss cheese and broil in oven proof bowls.

Weight Loss Support Group  - Testimonial
 A few people in the weight loss group were surprised to learn that they each lost a pound over the holidays. Even though they indulged in holiday favorites, for the most part they followed their personalized, body type plans and lost weight! Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!

“ I'm astonished learning about all the unhealthy foods in the supermarket & how they are actually detrimental to our overall well being. “

Jean D.

To your natural health!

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