Best Natural Cold Remedies

Published: Tue, 12/30/14

Natural Health Ezine 50               Sue-Anne Hickey                    514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Start 2015 by Dropping 13 pounds
Yoga Session starts Jan. 7th
Natural Cold Remedies
Healthy Recipe - Chocolate Mousse
Weight Loss - Testimonial
Paradise Every Day
As the year ends I am enjoying some free time. Time to relax, do some yoga, meet with friends and family, cook healthy food, and I am reading, I am Malala, the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban.

That, and helping put together and distribute meals to the homeless on boxing day has me thinking about how very much I have to be grateful for. It's far too easy to slip into thinking about what we want and don't have, instead of appreciating all of the things we take for granted.

Our health, our abundant lifestyles, our education, our rights and freedom, our war free countries, the love of our friends and families, as Phil Collins said, " Oh, think twice, cause it's another day for you and me in paradise." 

What have you been overlooking in your paradise?
Start 2015 by Dropping 13 Pounds!
Have you been dreaming of losing some weight?

The participants in my weight loss group lose on average one pound per week. The best way to lose weight and keep it off! This is not a short term quick-fix diet. This is a personalized healthy eating plan you can easily follow for the rest of your life.

Join my next weight loss support group and you too can lose 13 pounds in 13 weeks!

"The weight has come off effortlessly, I no longer have food cravings." 
Check out another testimonial at the bottom of this page.
Join us for fun, support, encouragement and accountability!

Thursday nights, January 15th, 6:30 PM at
Evolution Psychology Center, 1940 St. Joseph, Lachine, H8S 2N5

and Thursday January 15th at 11:00 AM at
Core Fitness Center, 275 Elm Road, Beaconsfield
I only have room for 10 people. The groups are filling up fast.
13 weeks for $350
Reserve your spot now! 514-577-1963 or simply respond to this email.

If you'd rather work one on one contact me to set up a time. In person or by Skype. Cyndy lost 20 pounds consulting with me by Skype.
Winter Yoga Session
It is so nice to teach yoga in a wonderful, zen, room. We had our first session this fall in our new space in Pointe Claire pictured here. I believe that this is one of the nicest places I've taught in.

Join us January 7th for the next 12 week session. Wednesday nights from 6 to 7:30. Stretch, tone, recharge and reeeelax  : )

$204 for the session. Call or email me to reserve your place 514-577-1963.
Best Natural Cold Remedy
What's the best cold Remedy? There are many natural ways to help alleviate your cold and flu symptoms.

It's the time of year when people get run down and tend to over indulge in sweets. Sugar depresses the immune system leaving us more susceptible to viruses.

Did you know that cold weather does not cause colds? But there is an increase, as cold viruses thrive in colder temperatures when there is less humidity in the atmosphere.

Continue reading about the best home remedies for a cold here and

find more info about herbal cold remedies here.

Use these tips and you and your family can stay healthy all year long!
Chocolate Mousse
Healthy, decadent chocolate mousse! Serves 2

1/4 cup pitted dates soaked for at least 4 hours
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
3/4 cup mashed ripe avocado (1 1/2 avocados)
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

Place the dates,maple syrup and vanilla in a food processor and process. Add the avocado and cocoa powder and process and add the water and process.

Weight Loss Support Group  - Testimonial
"Thank you Sue-Anne, for holding such informative, nutritional and body-type weight-loss sessions.

I find that my weight is literally falling off without any effort, so long as I follow the eating plan of my glandular body type. I have lost another 3 pounds since the sessions ended last week!

I must admit that I was quite skeptical at the beginning, and found it hard to believe that you can eat according to your body type. However, you have proven this to indeed be true. Not only have I lost weight, I feel much better. I suffer from asthma, and since being on your plan for several weeks, I have not had to use my puffers at all!

You are truly an inspiration; your knowledge, friendly and easy-going personality are perfect for leading such groups. I look forward to continuing the process, and to be followed by you in the future."

To your natural health!

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