7 Ways to Beat The Winter Blues

Published: Sun, 11/30/14

Natural Health Ezine 49

www.health-and-natural-healing               Sue-Anne Hickey              
sa@health-and-natural-healing.com               514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
7 Ways to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder
My Next Weight Loss Support Group - Starting  Jan. 15th
Healthy Recipe - Curried Squash Soup
I lost 15 pounds in 10 weeks! - Testimonial
7 Ways to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder
 I live in a place surrounded by big trees. I  look forward to November when all the leaves are gone and more light comes in. I can see so much more of the sky and I enjoy the beauty of the bare branches silhouetted against the sky. November is the month with the most beautiful sunsets. Now I am able to enjoy them fully, how wonderful!

Many people dread November and the coming winter. They feel down as the days get shorter and the cold weather sets in. Here are some suggestions that will help.

1. Exercise

Moderate exercise decreases depression by 30% and frequent exercise decreases depression by 47%! Get out and move your body, especially in the sun if possible. The more you do, the better you will feel. What's the best type of exercise? The one that you enjoy and that you will do!

2. Get out of the house

Even if you feel like hibernating, it's important to get out with friends, socialize, change your thoughts and environment. It may feel hard to go out, but you'll be so glad you did.

3. Get enough sleep but not too much

The body likes routine, get to bed at the same time each day and get up at the same time. Resist the temptation to crawl back into bed if you are feeling down. Open the curtains, let the daylight in, jump into the shower, see points 1 and 2 : )

4. Eat a healthy diet and avoid sweets

Bumping up the nutritional density of your foods will help you feel so much better. Balance your blood sugar and avoid white sugar and high glycemic foods. What goes up must come down. If you're spiking your blood sugar up, you might feel a quick buzz, but sugar always comes with the ensuing crash. Sugar affects the brain in the same way that opioids do, it's addictive, avoid it.

Increase protein, especially at breakfast, increase water and decrease sweets to help with sweet cravings. Read more here http://www.health-and-natural-healing.com/sugar-withdrawal.html

4. Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach was a medical doctor who gave up his medical practice and spent the rest of his life in the country determining how different plant and flower essences helped people heal on the emotional side. I've put together so many combinations of Bach Flower Remedies for my clients, Some of them call them their "Happy Drops." Mustard, Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam and Elm are a few that can help depression.

5. Essential oils

Inhaling essential oils can help lift your mood. Camomile, Lavender, Marjoram, Orange, Ylang Ylang, and Melissa are some good ones. Try smelling them and see which one you prefer, that will be the right one for you.

6.   Balance Your Thyroid and Adrenals

Ensure your thyroid and adrenal glands are working up to par. Low thyroid can cause depression. Sometimes blood tests can show the thyroid in the normal range, but if it is in the low end of  normal it could be low enough to cause you to feel down. Blood tests and a consultation with me can help you determine how your glands are working.

7. Supplements and vitamins

I have helped many clients with an amazing  supplement by Nature's Sunshine called AD-C. This  formula of herbs put together according to Traditional Chinese Medicine works on the liver, the digestive system and the nervous system, boosting physiological and mental energy. There are other supplements and vitamins that can help as well. Contact me to learn more.

There is so much you can do to alleviate your Seasonal Affective Disorder naturally. There really is no need to suffer. The key is to figure out what the cause is and help  strengthen the body's self recuperative powers to alleviate the symptoms.
Weight Loss Support Group - Next group starts Thurs. Jan. 15th at 6:30 PM
 Last week we celebrated the final week and the huge success of my  weight loss support group. Out of 4 participants, one missed many  classes due to being sick and other reasons, the other 3 lost a total of 31 pounds in 10 weeks!!! 

It is not only about the pounds and inches lost. It is about learning to eat right for their body type. Instilling a healthy way of eating that they can now use for the rest of their lives. It's about feeling better about themselves, self care and self love. I am so proud of the group. Their determination and perseverance was incredible. They continue to lose weight and I look forward to checking in with them and seeing even more transformation take place!

Check out one of the testimonials below.
Losing weight can be difficult on your own! Join my next weight loss group and be guaranteed the same results and  Even more!

Thursday nights, January 15th at 6:30 PM at
Evolution Psychology Center, 1940 St. Joseph, Lachine, H8S 2N5

and Thursday January 15th at 11:00 AM at
Core Fitness Center, 275 Elm Road, Beaconsfield
I only have room for 10 people and the groups are filling up fast! 13 weeks for $350
Reserve your spot now! 514-577-1963 or simply respond to this email.
Curried Squash Soup

This soup called for mushrooms and orange juice and I didn't have either on hand. I simply omitted them and used about 1/4 cup or more lemon juice and it was delicious! Make your own version and adjust to suit your tastes.

2 medium acorn or butternut squash
2 ½ cups water or stock
1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
1 tbsp butter or oil
1 cup chopped onion 
2 medium garlic cloves minced
1 ¼ tsp sea salt
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp coriander
½ tsp cinnamon
2 tsp freshly grated ginger
¼ tsp dry mustard
½ lb. mushrooms sliced
A few dashes cayenne to taste
Fresh lemon juice or yogurt for the top (optional)

1.    Preheat oven to 375 F. Split the squash lengthwise, remove seeds, and place face-down on a lightly oiled tray. Bake until soft (about 30 to 40 minutes). Cool, then scoop out the insides. Measure out 3 cups worth, place this in a food processor with the water, and purée until smooth. (You may need to do this in batches.)

2.    Heat the butter or oil in the kettle, and add onion, garlic, salt and spices. Sauté over medium heat until the onion is very soft – about 8 minutes. (You may need to add a small amount of water to prevent sticking.) Add mushrooms, cover and cook about 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

3.    Add the squash, and stir in the orange juice. Add cayenne and heat gently. Once it is hot, taste it to correct the seasonings. You may choose to add fresh lemon juice or top each bowl with a small spoonful of yogurt.
Weight Loss Support Group  - Testimonial
"I just wanted to share with you my morning weight! When I started your group it was 160.5 and now ten weeks later Fifteen pounds have melted away with what feels like no effort!!

I am so happy to have been a part if your group. You have taught me a lot about my health and eating nutritious foods that are right for my body type. You have also taught me so much about myself. Prior to meeting you I had tried losing weight with various methods- all were a lot of work and none had the results I experienced with you.

By making the small subtle changes you suggested, the weight has come off effortlessly, I no longer have food cravings, I love eating well and feel absolutely amazing. Thanks for helping me change my life Sue Anne!"

Joleen D.
To your natural health!

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