Are you using food as your medication for stress and frustration? When things go wrong do you turn to food? or alcohol or other addictions?
Do you feel powerless when it comes to food?
Eating is a behavior and behaviors are learned. When you become aware of your behaviors you can
undo the patterns. You can learn to face the emotions that surface and figure out where they come from. In doing so, you can finally let them go and start building new habits instead of using food as a means to escape those painful feelings.
I've spent the past twenty five years uncovering and working through my emotional triggers. With each discovery I made I was able to peel back the layers of pain, gain more self confidence, develop
healthier coping mechanisms and attain more balance and lasting happiness. Now I help my clients do the same.
Identify the patternsWe go step by step, identifying the emotional eating patterns. We find ways for you to pause long enough to determine what other options you have besides eating. We recover your power in the situation and instill better
healthy habits.
I support my clients along the way with a personalized plan, helpful information, exercises to do, all kinds of tools, healthy recipes, caring, guidance and encouraging emails.
When you let go of underlying triggers you will feel like someone in love, or a child at play who doesn't want to come in for dinner, or an artist so caught up in creation she/he doesn't feel hungry. Instead of feeling powerless you will feel empowered. You will feel a connection
to source, a feeling of strength and inner peace.
Contact me to learn how I can help you overcome your emotional eating.