Freedom From Emotional Eating and Webinar # 4!

Published: Fri, 04/18/14

Natural Health Ezine 41               Sue-Anne Hickey                                        514-577-1963           
Hello ,

In This Edition:
Webinar # 4! Sail Through PMS and Menopause Naturally
Freedom From Emotional Eating
Healthy Recipe - Garden Veggie Antipasto

Webinar # 4 For the ladies!
Welcome to all the New Subscribers!

 My fourth Webinar is on Monday April 28th  7- 7:30 PM

Sail through PMS and Menopause Naturally

There is no reason to suffer! And make those around you suffer

Learn about the 4 Types of PMS and how to help each one
  • C for cravings
  • A for anxiety, mood swings
  • H for hydration - water retention
  • D for drama and depression
Discover which foods nourish the reproductive system and balance hormones, for PMS and menopause.
How to alleviate symptoms with some simple vitamins and supplements.

Reserve your seat now, as space is limited!

Our last webinar in this series...
Mastering Motivation - How to Stay on Track With Healthy Eating and Healthy Lifestyle
 Monday May 12th at 7 PM

Be sure to forward this Invite to your friends...

and I look forward to connecting with you on the call!

Are you an Emotional Eater?
Are you using food as your medication for stress and frustration?

When things go wrong do you turn to food? or alcohol or other addictions?

Do you feel powerless when it comes to food?

Eating is a behavior and behaviors are learned.  When you become aware of your behaviors you can undo the patterns. You can learn to face the emotions that surface and figure out where they come from. In doing so, you  can finally let them go and start building new habits instead of using food as a means to escape those painful feelings.

 I've spent the past twenty five years uncovering and working through my emotional triggers. With each discovery I made I was able to peel back the layers of pain, gain more self confidence, develop healthier coping mechanisms and attain more balance and lasting happiness.  Now I help my clients do the same.

Identify the patterns

We go step by step, identifying the emotional eating patterns. We find ways for you to pause long enough to determine what other options you have besides eating. We recover your power in the situation and instill better healthy habits.

I support my clients along the way with a personalized plan, helpful information, exercises to do, all kinds of tools, healthy recipes, caring, guidance and encouraging emails.

When you let go of underlying triggers you will feel like someone in love, or a child at play who doesn't want to come in for dinner, or an artist so caught up in creation she/he doesn't feel hungry. Instead of feeling powerless you will feel empowered. You will feel a connection to source, a feeling of strength and inner peace.

Contact me to learn how I can help you overcome your emotional eating.

Garden Veggie Antipasto
 A light, delicious, easy way to get in an extra serving of veggies from May All  be Fed, by John Robbins

Garden Veggie Antipasto

1 small cauliflower, cut in florets
½ bunch broccoli, trimmed and cut into florets
3 medium carrots, cut into sticks

1/3  cup red wine vinegar- unpasteurized
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp thyme
1 garlic clove minced
½ tsp sun dried sea salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste

Put water in large sauce pan with steamer basket, bring to a boil. Put the vegetables into the steamer basket, cover and steam about 5 minutes. (I kept mine a little longer, you want them crunchy, do not overcook) Put the veggies in a bowl.

Put the vinaigrette ingredients in a jar, cover with the lid and shake.

Pour the vinaigrette over the steamed vegetables. Toss until well coated. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes before serving.

"You've got me thinking like no one else has got me thinking before."

"You're encourgaing emails are like a little ray of sunshine."
                                                                          Clint Best
To your natural health!

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